Today’s the day! The Pandora Autumn 2018 collection is out the world over, bringing Pandora collectors elegant regal purples, cute unicorns, and seasonal harvest beads. With new pieces for the Pandora Shine, Disney, Rose and Essence lines, there is so much to choose from in this launch.
For full overviews of the various lines coming out today, see the links below:
Otherwise, read on for live shots of all the new pieces, and a couple of other updates!
Pandora Autumn 2018 collection debuts
As usual, there are some gorgeous social media shots of the new beads – most of them focus on the regal charms, with fewer opting to showcase the new harvest and grain pieces. There aren’t any real surprises to me from the live images, but I do love the look of Bruno (he looks just as cute as his stock image), the Free as a Bird charm and the Shine Scarecrow. I still can’t make up my mind about the murano – the glass looks lovely, but I need to see the core in person!
One bead I haven’t seen yet is the Love Potion dangle – I wonder if that’s been delayed at all?
Pandora Fairytale Fish release for the US
The fun little addition to the Autumn release in the US is the Fairytale Fish charm! This came out two years ago as a Russian exclusive charm, and many collectors scrabbled – and struggled – to obtain one from Russia. Now, it sees a wider release in the US.
I am in two minds on this one – on the one hand, it’s lovely for people who couldn’t manage to get one previously. On the other hand, I understand the ire of those who paid out extra to try and get hold of one. Pandora often backtrack on their country exclusives these days, and it’s hard to gauge whether to wait and see or not – it’s very random.
You can see the charm amongst some other Pandora Autumn goodies in the shot below:

Pandora US Labor Day sale
From today until 3 September, there’s going to be a little sale in the US – buy two items and get 25% off! However, there’s a catch – the offer doesn’t include the Autumn 2018 collection, sale items, or the Disney or Shine lines. :(
My Comment
This is another collection that I’ve been really excited about – my absolute day-one must-have is Bruno the Unicorn, and if I have time today, I will head down to the store to get him! My other picks are the Free as a Bird, the Iridescent White Glass and then Jiminy Cricket from the Disney line. I’m going to hang on and see if any promos crop up before fully indulging though. Or try to, at least…
What are you planning on picking up from this launch?
It is interesting to know the Fairytale fish will be available in the US. I was one of the ones who scrambled to get it direct from Russia, and it was amoung my prized “exclusive” charms. It had since been released in Bahrain and Poland, diminishing the exclusivity and I suppose the US ends it forever. But as you say we can be happy for the US collectors… ?
Hi Ellie!
Thanks for all the info on your previews! Your blog definitely makes the releases more exciting!
I can’t wait to see these in person! At the moment I think I have most of the collection on my wishlist (I could probably start a new bracelet!) But like you I’m trying to hold out to see if there’s any promos before getting everything :)
I’m not usually too keen on muranos because I find them a bit big but like the look of both the rose and silver, so will be looking out for those! The regal key is also pretty! Bruno is cute but he doesn’t really go with anything I have at the moment, but he may end up coming home with me as a random purchase! I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ll be styling him with :)
I like the open bangle in rose, but it’s beyond how much I can spend at the moment! I wish they would bring it out as a two tone one (or sell the caps and stoppers in rose so we could mix and match!)
I’ll spend the rest of today now trying to stop myself going to Pandora during lunch!
I agree with Vicki. Interchangeable Pandora Rose and Pandora Shine stoppers for the open bangle. Would Iove to see padlock clasps for bangles and smooth bracelets sold separately too. They can also be worn as a pendant.
Thank you for the updates, Ellie. I always look forward to your posts. I have visited the Pandora store and purchased the Shine limited edition circle of seeds ring. Was not in my planned purchase but it is so beautiful. The ltd edition bracelet is also beautiful but I found it too gold so I bought the Floating Grains charm dangle to wear on my silver bangle with the two Seeds of Elegance clips.
Hi Ellie,
This is an exciting day. I have my fingers crossed my local as you call it will get an ample supply of the collection. My priority is the new pumpkin & scarecrow, and yes that tag with the sentiment on the scarecrow is coming off. The new murano and purple regal are next on my list. I love the decorative core and I have to say it, when I first saw this I thought of you & your love of things Victorian. This new muano core appears to be complimentary to the Floral Brilliance that my husband bought me a few years ago for Christmas. I struggle to style that charm, I love it dearly and now with this new murano and purple enamel charms I might be able to really give it the presence it deserves.
Regarding the Fairytale fish I will admit at first I was tourqued, I went through a few hoops for that charm, and it was not cheap. I guess it is a lesson in patience or in owning the choices we make. I chose to buy the charm early, perhaps if I had known it would eventually gain wider release I would have waited. Hind sight is 20/20 vision after all. That being said, I have thoroughly enjoyed wearing & styling my fairytale fish. I own my decision to pay more early on and buy into the exclusivity. My hope is that Pandora will be more forthcoming about their releases, a little more transparency would go a long way in good customer service and appreciation.
Ellie, thank you for the review and compiling the Live Photos. I hope you find Bruno to be as charming in person as he appears in the photos.
Lisa K
But it is already sold out online. It’s still hard to get.
I have been to the shops already and Bruno is as cute as I’d hoped, and also a nice size to style, so he came home with me! I was also blown away by the new Disney charms in person – the level of detail on the dwarves spacer, pinocchio and Jiminy is absolutely amazing, they are like little works of art! They are on my must-have list now, even if I have to start a new bracelet for them, I really did like them. The little cat is also so cute. They didn’t have the bird, so I am still looking forward to seeing that, and all the key charms were nice. The padlock bracelet is really nice, and as the clasp seems quite big, I am thinking about getting it as a home for charms that are also quite large, as there seems to be more of those now. Altogether, I am a very happy Pandora collector today!
Also to add to the excitement, the new catalogue has the new Christmas beads and the new bracelet concept in it! The new bracelet is not for me, but the Christmas charms are nice, my favourite is a cup of hot cocoa with a candy cane and red enamel accents, also there is a Christmas train with s carriage which is sweet.
The hot cocoa mug is my favourite, too. I won’t be surd about the train until I see it in person, but my opinion is that it is a bit disappointing. I haven’t seen the catalogue yet, but from a leak in you tube a few days ago I got the impression that it doesn’t look very “Christmassy” this year. Like the new bracelet concept, thought.
Marie & Debbie,
Looking forward to the cocoa mug, my Christmas bracelet is full, but I have a snowflake clasp bangle that this lovely charm would look lovely on with my gingerbread dangle.
Lisa K
The cocoa mug is my favorite also. My next favorite is the Santa Mickey (round) bead.
Has anyone seen any pics of the new hoop earrings with charms on them yet?
It’s always interesting to see what is released here compared to your previews. We got the love potion, Doctor charm and rabbit lantern. We didn’t get the firefighter charm which is odd given we have SES volunteers fighting bushfires all summer long. I may be wrong but I couldn’t see the heart necklace with the shine heart inside either.
Lovely collection overall. Looking forward to seeing them in person on the weekend. Is there a new catalogue out with this launch?
I am considering getting a family member to buy me the Fairytale fish charm but the charm I really want is the Rockettes Xmas charm from last year.
Can anyone from the USA please tell me if it’s likely to be still be available in either Orlando or New York stores?
Does anyone know if the Fairytale Fish is also available in Canada ?
I’m with those who would like to see more interchangeable caps for the open bangles. I love my open bangles and bought an additional set of end caps and swap them out depending on charms I use on the bangle. I’m saving for the rose open bangle now because I wear my silver ones so often. I have a bracelet that’s all shades of purple and recently put one lavender radiant droplet on each end right under the caps. It was an awesome complement to my other bracelet! Thanks, Ellie, for keeping us posted on all the latest and greatest!
Hi Ellie!
It’s go time! I love everything. But since the 25% off sale doesn’t include the new release, I’m going to focus on the Shine items today since they are never included in a sale anyway. I know the mesh bracelet is coming home with me. I have the silver and the Rose, so I’ll wear these in a tri-tone stack to compliment my tri tone love pods on the Open Your Heart necklace. And probably the scarecrow and grain dangles. I have to see them in person. I wish the scarecrow didn’t have a silver bail. But since it does, I’m thinking a TT mini design on the bangle with the Shine heart clasp. Our store hasn’t received the Russian fish (I emailed the store earlier in the week) so that’s out. And I might pick up a few items I need to finish designs in the sale.
The new Murano may look good as a necklace, inserted into a ring and wrapped with a chain like the ones I saw on Pinterest. I might give that a test drive today.
Thanks for the live shots. I’ll look forward to hearing what you ended up purchasing.
Update: got my Shine mesh bracelet, the scarecrow, the grains of energy, the other 2 dangles, and the seeds of elegance clips. Added the silver love pod spacers to add just another touch of silver. That is my early birthday from my hubby. I also purchased the limited edition earrings from what will be my birthday money from my Mom. Also succumbed to Disney Magic and got Figaro, the bird, the wish upon a star, and the evil queen. Had a fun time in the store with my bff and the Pandora staff.
Nice haul!
Thanks. The up side to getting older.
I was all set to place an order first thing this morning and for some reason the new stuff isn’t up on the Canadian website yet ?. This doesn’t make any sense because it’s already 10am.
I too checked the Canadian website – nothing. Was wondering if our launch was coming after the Labour Day weekend as there seems to be a promo of buy $125 and get $25 off from August 30 through September 3. We never get any deals on a brand new launch.
Good point. You’re probably right. So disappointing though.
Yes and the $25 off wus $125 is not a great promo. I was hoping for a better deal :( I might wait for the next one……
I haven’t have time to go to the store yet. I hope I’ll manage to drop in after work. However I’m not going to buy anything till Saturday. It’s voucher day at the mall.
Thanks for the pictures, I actually like Bruno a lot more than I expected.
On another note, I can’t find the heart lock necklace online. It’s not an exclusive, is it?
OMG! Pandora raised prices on their rose pieces just in time for their labor day sale in U.S.!! Dirty trick! The mesh bangle is 165.00 instead of 150.00, and the signature rose lock bracelet is 200.00 instead of 175.00, etc.
I so want the Disney new releases but want to hold out for a sale. The older Disney pieces are included in the 25% off so I did get the last two princess dresses I needed along with a Mickey clip I was missing. I am also debating getting the whole Winnie the Pooh collection to add to my pink bracelet.
I was just gifted the scarecrow from my parter! Lovely surprise and the charm is beautiful! He was told the pumpkin won’t be available in store until end of September.
As usual for me, I’m not getting anything right away. I need to spend on sales and limit my spending (single income family here – stay at home mom). So today I did get two Anna’s signature color muranos. I am trying to collect all of the disney muranos. I have 5 sets now!
Hi Sarah. I love the signature muranos. Which muranos so you have sets of? I have pairs of Snow White, Belle, Cinderella, Elsa, & Jasmine. I have singles of Rapunzel, Tinker Bell, Ariel, Aurora, & Anna. My most recent purchases are the last 4 I listed. Like you, I wanted to collect all of them. I hope you can get them all.
I need the tinkerbell one! Help! Lol
I got mine at Jared’s this summer. I was surprised they had one. Good luck!
My mom will love the fish! Do you know how much it will cost in the US?
It shows as $90 on the Pandora website, but it’s out of stock.
I just went to my local shop here in California and they said they aren’t allowed to put out the new collection until after the weekend sale. So I didn’t even get to see anything much less buy it! Has anyone else come across that?
I saw almost everything in our store today. They just told us the ground rules for the sale when we first arrived.
Hi Melanie, I ran into the same issue today with my store. They had received alot of the new Autumn release, but had not put them out. I was told they would be ready for purchase Sept. 4th. I did get to take a look and put some things aside, tho’. I was disappointed the Disney pieces I was interested in had not arrived. Have you heard any news of the US getting our usual Buy More/Save More event along the middle of Sept.? I’ve only been told looks like a 3 for 2 coming later this month and maybe a BM/SM event end of Oct.
My store says another sale is coming at the end of the month (Sept.), but didn’t give me other details.
Nice! Hope the sale includes the newer pieces.
As for not being able to view the new release that is ridiculous! Pandora needs to get their ducks in a row on release day! I too have been disappointed in my franchise store not having new items. I am thinking why the hell am I driving all this way to the 2nd biggest mall in America when you can’t even have the new catalog let alone charms? I no longer bother, instead of being disappointed I just order online from Pandora and if I don’t like something I send it back – which only happened once. And I never get a catalog! Thank goodness I saw Nicole from mypandoracharmedlife posted a video on youtube going thru the catalog page by page, Thank you!
Hi Ellie,
I couldn’t contain my excitement! I just came from my local and I showed absolutely zero restraint. The new sweet pumpkin is devine and is a nice size too. It is a surprisingly light weight charm for its size. The price point was $45, I think it is reasonably priced. The purple Regal beauty is stunning, so that came home with me too. I fell in love with the new irredescent muranos! The cores are large and are just slightly below the top of the glass, but it works. The core is like lace, my reasoning is why go through the trouble of designing such an detailed core if you can’t see it and I think they will will look great styled with my Floral Brilliance charm. The colours in the white irredescent murano remind me of confetti, not overpowering. I prefer to buy muranos in pairs and at the same time to get a better match, the ones I bought have orange flecks in them along with a little purple and light blue. The Irredsecnt Mruanos are substantial in size. These exceeded my expectations! Thankfully they didn’t have the scarecrow. Yes, I want it but I need to eat & pay my mortgage. I will wait until later in the fall for the scare crow.
The gals in my local are very, very encouraging, and well my arms are made of rubber. lol.
Today in Canada new pricing came into effect that applies to many of the previously released charms. Oh and the poster promo for Canada is for $25 off any purchase of $125 or more in store or online. It says nothing about excluding fall or shine or Disney collections. I did get the $25 off my total.
Lisa K
I too always buy muranos in pairs. Intrigued to see the new ones in store after reading your detailed description.
Lisa K – did you need to show an email invite to get the $25 CDN promo in store? I was at the store today today and that is what the SA said. I was very surprised (also not sure why I did not get an email as I have in past). So I left the store in a bad mood. Yes I can buy online but I did want it today :(
Was in my favoured Toronto store today. They did not advertise the promo in store and also did not have any of the new launch on display. Questioned the sales assistant and was told they had some new stock in but could not display until after the Labour Day Promo. I was however allowed to buy and got the promo plus a $10 discount from having made a previous purchase and done an online survey. I came home with three new fairy tale dangle charms for my Paris/France themed bracelet – the fairy tale castle!, love keys and the locks. I note the new launch is still not up on the Canadian website.
Hi Sheila,
I had received an email from the SA at my local and the store notifying me and it did include a bar code. So I guess that was an invite. When I went into the store they had the promo posters up. No I did not have to show it, they had the code there to scan. Pandora Corp seems to be having issue with continuity. Some stores in Canada have their stock out and for sale. I think Pandora forgot to put the exclusions in their advertising, and that is why they tried to hold the fall release. Since they just had a price increase across the board Pandora Corporate should have just let the release roll out to coincide with the promo as scheduled. Sorry you had a sour experience. I hope you charms arrive quickly.
Lisa K
Thanks for the reply Lisa, yes it seems to be dependent on the store . I was hoping to do exactly what Diane did (using the $10 survey) which you cannot do online, Hmmm looks like this promo and release was not handled well. Also Pandora “is experiencing a heavier email/call than normal” and response time is longer than usual so I am guessing they have received lots of questions/complaints? about this promo and what should be included. But I am glad it worked for both of you!!
After reading your description of the white murano having irredescent shimmer to them, I am planning to purchase a pair or maybe just one for my pattens of love bangle for a Victorian themed design. I looked at promo shots more closely and love the shimmering purples, blues and pinks so it will be very versatile to use and easy to style.
Hi Kelly,
So glad you found the description helpful, I was so pleased with this new core design. I have syled mine on the bangle, the regular silver moments bracelet & my oxidized bracelet, I am very pleased with the versatility of the Murano. I noticed on a photo posted buy Pandora Erin Mills store they have released a Rose version too, didn’t see that one at my store, tempting, perhaps for Christmas.
Lisa K
Hi Lisa K, The rose version is gorgeous! It’s a must see. My store only received three each of the Silver and rose. The silver version had blue sparkle and rosy flecks and the rose had green and rosy flecks. I put two of each aside as our Autumn will be available for purchase Sept. 4th.
Hi Emily,
This is good to know, my store hasn’t received the Rose version. Stock supply for my local has been sporadic during the last couple of releases and from other stores I gave visited in very,very limited quantities. I look forward to seeing the Rose version especially after your description. I don’t have any Rose core muranos, in fact I think this may be the first one released. I look forward to seeing this one and perhaps trying it out on both my silver & oxidized bracelet. It seems Pandora has really stepped up their game with the Murano/glass charms.
Lisa K
Pandora released the Pink Shimmer murano with the 2017 Autumn/Winter collection. I have the PS in both silver and rose. The rose cores seem to enhance the sparkle in the muranos.
Hi Ellie! Thank you for all the lovely images of this collection! I was at my store a few days ago, and the SA was unpacking the pieces they had received from the Autumn collection. There were several stunning pieces! I bought the Scarecrow and the Shine Seeds of Elegance Clip to add to my Shine bracelet. I already knew I wanted two of the Rose Iridescent White Muranos, and that hasn’t changed. They are absolutely beautiful! I also loved the Shine Radiant Hearts Charm, the Shine Intertwining Radiance Charm, and a Shine Golden Faceted Murano (though these are all quite pricey). I have many other pieces on my wishlist that I haven’t seen in person yet, but I am trying to wait for a potential September promo, as there usually is in the US (though I know Shine will likely be excluded). These include the Disney Evil Queen’s Black Magic charm, the Rose Black Enchanted Crown Ring, the Radiant Grains of Energy charm, the Zigzag rings, the Shine Floating Grains charm, the Open Grains rings in both Shine and silver, and the Regal Beauty charm. I also want the more expensive Shine Floating Grains Bracelet, Shine Sparkling Strand Bracelet, and Shine Princess Tiara Ring in the very distant future haha. As you can see, my wishlist is quite extensive!
Managed to pop in-store during my lunch break for a quick look and grab the catalogue. Bruno is super cute but too young me for me. The love potion is unique and would look lovely on a soft pink/white bracelet. We didn’t get the lock necklace with gold heart inside which is shame. Will pop back on the weekend to see more of today’s release.
Catalogue has the winter release.
Beaded theme and ice theme
Clips, spaces and a couple of dangles in those themes
Dazzling fireworks blue & silver dangle
Two new decorative bracelets
Santa in rocketship
Warm cocoa cup charm – gorgeous
Christmas train with carriage
Perfect Xmas disc dangle silver
Ice carving disc dangle – inscribed with you melt my heart
Cosy Christmas house dangle
cute – it’s red.
Dazzling wishes dangle
New silver safety clip – personal galaxy – has a little silver star and moon – quite sweet.
Rose gold reindeer
Disney – steamboat Willie Mickey portrait silver head charm
Various Mickey Xmas charms
Mary Poppins bag etc
Cosmonaut that looks like a one eyed alien!
Heart melter – a cube charm with big eyes – very cute. Think it’s meant to represent candle wax cubes that you melt
Bobby Bot (dog) so cute silver
At the very back of the catalogue there is a Christmas bracelet featured with a silver Theodore bear holding a red present but it is not in the catalogue.
Hope Pandora have some promos soon…
Hi Ellie. If list is not permitted please delete my comment. It came directly from the new in-store Australian catalogue so I assumed it was ok
They sound fun! Thanks for sharing <3
Thanks for update on the new Xmas charms. Guessing that as in new catalogue that a written list would be alright to post as public can get catalogue in stores. The Bobby bot and melting ice cube charms appeal to me as I prefer quirky. I haven’t had chance to see any of new realeases in person as worked late today but I plan to check out a Concept stores sometime this weekend and see what new stock is in.
Hi Lozzie. I saw a Youtube video that previewed the entire catalogue. The bear holding the red present was shown as an item in the catalogue here in the US, so maybe it is a regional exclusive.
Must be. Thanks Joanne.
Joanne, the bear holding the present is also in the spanish catalogue,so I guess it will be released in most countries. I think he looks like Theodore dress for Christmas. One of my favorites!
*dressed for Xmas.
Hi again. Yesterday evening I could take a look at the new collection and managed to come home empty handed :) My first choice was the Radiant Grains of Energy and I knew already that it wouldn´t be available in store here. One of my SAS had told me last week that if I was interested ( which I am), she had to order it from Madrid ( which she did). So here I am waiting for it to come ( fingers crossed). It is in the spanish catalogue, so I hope there won´t be any problem. The dangle charm wit the inscription ” the future is bright was another favorite of mine but after seeing it in person it looked somewhat bland. I think I still want it but not as my first purchase. On the contrary, I found the always by your side dangle gorgeous and unexpectedly consistent. I´ll get it sooner rather than later.Ooooh, and the new murano is striking! Bruno is also a cutie, but not for me. He looks a bit baby-ish with his little horn <3. I bet if he could smile, there would be gaps among his teeth, lol. So, after struggling with myself for a while I decided that I was going to wait for the Radiant Grains of Energy to be my first piece and then built around it, as I had previously planned. I have a familiar design in mind based on the harvest pieces, since that was what my ancestors did for a living. And I "need" that yellow/golden piece to represent the wheat and the hard work for a better life.
On a different note, when will you be able to preview the winter release, Ellie? I´m very interested in knowing what you and other people think about it. I find it a bit disappointing, on the whole. In my opinion, it lacks the cosy and traditional feeling from other years. Neither wintry, nor Christmassy. Yeah, I know. It´s different but aliens and robots are not what I would expect for the season. Not exactly "hygge".
Well, thank you for this post and, as usual, looking forward to the next. Have a good weekend!
Sorry, when I said that I found the winter collection disappointing on the whole, I was talking about the charms. Otherwise I´m totally in love with the new beaded bracelets ( maybe they can be adapted in size, as they are all silver) and rings and I´ll be buying into the new Reflexions line <3, given that there is a size 15 ( thank you, Pandora!).
I got Bruno and the pumpkin!
Hi Ellie, thanks for all the info:) I like a lot more items in this new launch than I have recently in other launches! I have already purchased Bruno the Unicorn, he’s really cute and a good size, and also the rose key charm, which I intend to wear mainly on a rose chain I think (I’m waiting for the rose chain to arrive – it’s so expesive I have waited quite a while before purchasing it; I now have 3 charms that I want to wear on it, so I have bought the one chain to swap around pendants as suits). What have you bought? x
For everyone in the US, there are also two new Halloween charms—the Bootiful button-style charm with pave that features a girl ghost ($75) and a Hocus Pocus enamel heart-shaped dangle ($65)—which are available now. I’m. it sure if these are available in other regions. There is also a Thanksgiving charm coming out in November for the first time that I can remember; it is a heart-shaped charm with an enamel turkey on it ($65).
I meant to say I’m not sure*.
I saw the turkey in the catalog; I must have that! ?
I’m not seeing the fairytale book that was previewed for sale anywhere. Any idea if it is still coming out?
Hi Ellie. Saw a photo of the enchanted heart clip that you recently purchased in the 2 for 1 sale, combined with the two new silver sided muranos. Looked great together. Thinking I may buy the new lock bracelet and add this combo.
Hi! Any news on the winter collection?
hi, did anyone see the floating locket rings in the US market ? They seem to be released in Australia and UK, but not the US .
Strange. I do so want to get one !
Hi Ellie,
Love the post, just have a question, do you know how I would be able to get ahold of one of the Fairytale fish charms and the colour/ferris wheel charms from New Zealand, I have used the UK helpers Facebook page before but don’t know how to get charms from the US
I would like to know when the pumpkin charm will be available in uk stores for I have tried 2 stores with no success. My first purchases of the new collection are Bruno. 7 dwarves spacer, Snow White portrait clip,Figaro, regal heart and icon of nature heart. I shall be buying more charms this week. I wonder if there were will be 3 for 2 offer very soon in uk stores.