Today brings the next in my series of Pandora SS18 previews, with a full look at the Pandora Mother’s Day 2018 collection! While this offers maternal-themed designs, as you’d expect, many of these have a more original twist than we’ve seen for a couple of years. With a selection of bows, balloons, and little animals, there’s a much reduced number of hearts and generic button-style beads.
The collection is due out on 12th April, so these products will not be available worldwide until that point. This post encompasses all the charm jewellery – bracelets, charms and petites/floating lockets. I’ll cover the other jewellery in a later post! The UK already received a portion of the Mother’s Day release earlier this month, as we celebrate it earlier than most countries. We’ll get the rest of the charms pictured here in April, and they’ll be marketed as part II of the Spring 2018 collection.
Read on for the preview!
Pandora Mother’s Day 2018 collection preview
Let’s start with the bracelets – we have three new bangle designs coming out for Mother’s Day! The Flourishing Hearts is engraved with the words Love Makes a Family. The Sparkling Floating Locket bracelet’s clasp functions as a locket, meaning that you can choose a petite to wear in it, which is a pretty nifty concept. I only have a price so far the Sparkling Heart Bangle, which will be $100 USD.
However, my favourite of these three is the top bangle – it has a beautiful lacey pattern, and it’s plain silver. I didn’t see it in either the NA or the UK catalogues, but it did feature in a French catalogue that leaked a few weeks ago. We’ll have to wait and see where it comes out!
Moving on to the charms, we have a very nice decorative set coming out in April – I’m intrigued to see how the Brilliant Bow works on a bracelet! ?
I love the Flourishing Hearts pendant, and the Shiny Bow clips are very pretty, too. I’m thinking about starting a new Pandora Disney design, and I’d be tempted to get those to go on it – it ties in nicely with Minnie Mouse. ^^ It’s always great to see new safety chain designs, too, although the ends don’t actually look thick enough to go over traditional Moments bracelets threading?
Prices for the US are as follows:-
Plentiful Hearts Glass – $55 USD
Bright Hearts safety chain – $55 USD
Shining Path clip – $45 USD
Brilliant Heart Bow – $35 USD
Flourishing Hearts (pendant) – $45 USD
Brilliant Bow – $90 USD
Flourishing Hearts (charm) – $35 USD
Harmonious Hearts – $35 USD
Shiny Bow clip – $55 USD
Next, we have all the explicitly mother’s day related charms. There are a couple of the traditional hearts and buttons, but I think Pandora have done a good job of sticking to the Mother’s Day theme while thinking outside their usual parameters. The Elephant & Balloon charms are absolutely adorable, and an adorable way of commemorating a new arrival, while the house and birds dangles are rather sweet.
Prices for the US are as follows:-
Balloon & Teddy – $50 USD
Elephant & Balloon (pink and blue) – $50 USD each
Mouse & Balloon – $55 USD
Perfect Home – $55 USD
Love Mum/Mom – $45 USD
Mother & Baby Bird – $50 USD
Degrees of Love – $35 USD
Perfect Mum/Mom- $50 USD
My final collage features a series of charms dedicated to special occasions and milestones! There are wedding charms – one for bridesmaids, and a more jokey take on a bride & groom charm, while the Bouquet and Cake Slice would be good for a wedding but could be used for other purposes too. My favourite is the cake charm, although it has Congrats written on it which does limit its versatility!
Prices for the US are as follows:-
Years of Love (15–60) – $50 USD each
Love Couple – $50 USD
Best Bridesmaid – $45 USD
Graduation Scroll – $40 USD
Achievement Trophy – $45 USD
Celebration Bouquet – $55 USD
Celebration Cake – $45 USD
There are a couple of extra beads that didn’t appear in the US catalogue – this probably means that either these will be a) Jared exclusives, b) part of a special Mother’s Day gift set, or c) that they won’t be coming out in North America for whatever reason.
The Birds pendant is very similar to the Mother & Baby pendant, but is perhaps more romantic in theme:
The I Love My Mum pendant is very similar to the enamel charm above, but in pendant form. I think this works quite nicely, but would have preferred it without the extra stones on the bail.
The Lotus pendant is my favourite of these extra charms.
Moving on, next we have some new petites for the floating lockets. These are alphabet charms, priced at $10 USD each.
The addition to the floating locket line-up is this Sparkling version of the charm pendant. The stock image doesn’t picture it with a petite included, unlike previous versions of floating locket charms:
My Comment
I remember doing the posts for last year’s Mother’s Day launch and feeling very weary of all the buttons and hearts – this collection moves firmly away from that, offering instead a renewed focus on special moments, rather than generic sentiment. The whole release has quite a festive feel, with its enamel balloons, cake, bouquets, and pretty bows, which always remind me of presents. ^^ I feel like there’s been a very marked push in Pandora’s collections so far this year to try and introduce some fresh ideas, focusing much more on character beads. It’s so refreshing to see.
My favourites from this set are the beautiful lace bangle, the Bright Hearts safety chain, the Flourishing Hearts pendant and the Shiny Bow clips. The murano is also very pretty, and I do like the Lotus dangle as well! If I were a new mother, I’d also love the elephant charms – such a cute way to commemorate a new arrival. I much prefer those options to the previous baby handprint beads.
What do you think of this collection? Is anything going on your wish list?
Hi Ellie,
I’m excited and curious to see the new Bangle myself. This collection along with the spring stuff will be getting my wallet in trouble. Very excited to see it all and plan it out.
Hi Ashley! I know, there’s just too much that I want ?
There are quite a few things I like from this collection, including the Flourishing Hearts Pendant. I’m all about the dangles these days and also like the Harmonious Hearts one. The little animal friends hanging from the balloons look so cute and I look forward to seeing them in person!
I think the animal balloons are adorable too! I’m quite tempted by one of the elephants even though I have no kids or plans to produce any in the immediate future haha.
This is a beautiful preview Ellie, thanks so much!! I do like a few of the designs on offer. The murano with it’s pretty lavender and pink pastels and gentle shimmer is so pretty. While it is another heart design I think I can never have enough of Pandora hearts lol. I also love the perfect home dangle. I agree that the celebration cake would have been more versatile without the writing on it and would have fit in nicely with the enchanted teacup and teapot charms for an afternoon tea themed bracelet. I like your idea of a Disney bracelet with the bow charms. I was actually thinking of doing something similar with the perfect gift silver charm. Thanks again for the review and have a lovely day!
You are welcome! The murano is super cute, but I don’t think I have any need for another pink murano currently. Yes, I can’t quite understand why they put ‘Congrats’ on the cake! I think people can infer what they like from charms without Pandora making explicit their intended meaning in that kind of way – customers don’t really need it explaining that cakes can be for celebrations, and if it didn’t have the script, then the charm could be used in other ways too! Never mind. ^^ Glad you like a few of these, I think it’s a very pretty collection.
I think the same about the cake being engraved. I had seen that charm before and was really looking forward to getting it (since I’m a cake lover and it would go perfectly with the enchanted teapot and teacup, as you said), but the “Congrats” part puts me off. ? The same happened to me with the house dangle. It is super cute and I love the fact that it opens, but the “Home is where mum is” engraved message doesn’t work for me.
The message in the house is not very clear but if that’s what it says, well it does not work for me either. I am very disappointed. Pandora should restraint themselves for writing all kinds of message on charms for more versatility. We can use our own imagination!!!
I liked the home charm but didn’t realize it had that it had ‘Home is where mum is’ inside. I guess the message doesn’t work for me so will give it a miss and stick to my home sweet home charm instead. I agree, versatility is important and the beauty of a generic charm is it can be whatever we want it to be!
Message doesn’t work for me either so passing.
My favorites are: flourishing hearts dangle (for my enchanted forest themed bracelet), harmonious hearts dangle, and the lotus (for fairytale/disney bracelet). If I had to pick a specifically Mother’s Day charm it would be the sweet Mother & Baby Bird. Very nice preview!
Those are my favourites, too! I’m quite tempted by the Flourishing Hearts dangle to go with my picks from the Spring 2018 collection. <3
Hi Ellie!
I am so ecstatic for a few items in this release! ? Amongst my favorites are the Lacey Bangle on the top of the bangle pic; that’s a must on my list. ? I also fancy the Baloon Charms under the family category. The mouse hanging from the baloon with his friends hitching a ride from above is so adorable! My mom is an avid Pooh Collector, though the Baloon and Teddy Bear Charm is not “Disney-esque”, it can very well compliment a Winnie the Pooh themed bracelet. will definitely purchase the elephant baloon, however, not sure which color I adore most. Perhaps I shall purchase both! ? The Lotus Dangle is absolutely charming! Not quite sure if I’ll muster the courage to purchase it, but it is one of my favorite dangles in this release too! I love another release filled with balance. It’s looking as though Spring and Mother’s Day Releases will have something for everyone.
Thank you for brilliantly and so beautifully so casing each and every post! ? I really appreciate you!
Margaret ?
Hi Magaret! Definitely, the bangle is gorgeous! I’m hoping to find out more about where that one is being released soon, as it’s so pretty. I love that it’s plain silver, too. The balloon & teddy might not explicitly be a Winnie the Pooh charm, but it strikes me that they must have been inspired by it at least! It’s so similar to that classic image of Pooh and piglet. I think it’s lovely!
I’m so glad you are enjoying the posts – thank you for your lovely comment! <3
Hi Ellie! I like a lot of things in this collection, but I’m disappointed that a lot of it wasn’t included in the NA catalog! I hope they are just Jared exclusives and not part of gift sets or unavailable in NA. I really like both the bangle with the lacy design and the Sparkling Floating Locket bangle. Some of my other favorites are the Celebration Cake, the Lotus, and the Plentiful Hearts murano. I hope that the Cake charm is blank on the other side, as I wouldn’t want the “Celebration” inscription showing. I was planning to do a design with the Teapot and Teacup charms from the Spring collection along with this charm on the new Sliding Bracelet. I really want to get my mom the I Love My Mum charm for Mother’s Day, so I hope it’s just a Jared exclusive.
I saw Pandora teased the Pandora Shine collection on SM today, so I hope you will be able to post a preview soon! Also, do you know if there will be any upcoming promos in NA (I understand if you are not permitted to spill? Thanks for the preview!
Hi Joanne,
I immediately envisioned an Alice in wonderland themed bracelet with the tea cup, tea pot, cake beads and rose gold bunny as the centre bead. Of course, this means tracking down the HCA limited and rare top hat charm and retired alarm clock bead. One of the princess crown beads and fairy tale dangle charm would also work too. So many possibilities, Luckily, I am not into fairy tales but inspiration struck so never know.
Fairy tale book dangle charm.
That sounds like such a fun style!
That sounds like a great design. Thank you for the ideas Kelly!
Hi Joanne! It was only a couple of things that weren’t shown in the catalogue – and hopefully they’ll just prove to be Jared’s things or gift set exclusives etc. I would suspect that the I Love My Mum charm is a Jared exclusive – that’s the kind of design that they usually go for, but I guess we’ll have to see. I hope you manage to get one anyway! :)
Pandora Shine is super embargoed, unfortunately. From the calendar I’ve been given, it looks like I might be able to show it the day before launch but I need to double check this. A lot of it leaked in those initial sneak peeks though. The next promo for NA will be a spend & save from what I’m told! Not sure of the dates just yet though.
Thanks for the info on the promo Ellie. I was hoping for a free bracelet promo like last March, but I guess Pandora has done away with those. I guess I’ll just have to be patient for the Pandora Shine collection haha! I do have some of the leaked images saved to my camera roll, including two clips, a version of the new Sliding Clasp Bracelet, a matching Honeybee choker and pull-string bracelet, a couple of rings, a Honeycomb Lace dangle charm, a sunshine-looking dangle charm, and a couple more pieces of jewelry. I know that it has an overall “honeycomb bee” theme. I seem to have most of the jewelry pieces, but I hope there will be more charms than what I’ve seen.
I’m so excited about these new pieces! I love the mouse and balloon dangle with its three little mice. It makes me think of my three little boys, so it’s definitely going on my wish list. Thanks for the great review!
Oh, how sweet! ^^ You are welcome, glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks Ellie. Think I need to send my family Pandora shopping in April! Love all the bangles. Does the degrees of love charm have Mother spelt on it? Very nice collection.
Oh excellent! I think that charm has ‘love you more’ / ‘love you most’ written on it, which is why it’s called ‘degrees of love’. :) The bangles are gorgeous! I have to have that lacey one at the top.
There are sth I like this release, will buy.
There are sth I like this release, have to go concept store to see real product.
Love the new collection but
There are too many dangle charms
Not really a fan of those otherwise
Nice collection?
Dangles can be harder to style, I agree – I like to have them spaced out and symmetrical, so they require some planning for!
Hi Ellie!
There’s a lot to love in this collection. Fate is going to get me yet…I have resisted the open locket up to now. But the locket “lock” on the new bangle I will definitely want. And I give up! My “no bows” rule will be broken big time. I need to stop drawing lines in the sand. They just get obliterated!! Lol.
I love the bracelets, the flourishing hearts, the harmonious hearts, the mice, the birds, the lotus – I do hope we get the lotus here – and the degrees of love.
The pretty pink/lilac that’s everywhere for Spring is featured here as well. I like it a lot, and can see another new bracelet design on the horizon.
Thanks for the preview.
HI Deborah! Yes, I really like the Floating Locket as a bangle clasp. It’s the closest we’ve come to being able to fully customise clasps ourselves. You can put any petite in it you like and really make it match your bangle design. :) It would be great for a proper charm bracelet as well.
I think I’m finally going to go for a Floating Locket as well ^^ I really want to get one of the original charm Floating Lockets because I love the little ladybug petite and I really want to be able to wear it on the wildflower meadow bracelet. <3
You are so right about lines in the sand, haha! 'I'll never do a full Disney bracelet,' I said. And yet, here I am planning one, lol. Just as I did with the Halloween bracelet, the Christmas bracelet, etc... ? thanks for commenting!
Love the new collection but
There are too many dangle charms
Not really a fan of those otherwise
Nice collection
I love the Sparkling Floating Locket but I worry if the locket will accidentally open by itself. Just like the Floating Locket charm.
* The earlier version of the Floating Locket charm
This new one has the same improved closing as the replacement floating locket, so it should be okay! :)
I would like the MUM dangle as a necklace per the top image in your post.
I think the letters would look best on a necklace pendant or worn simply on a bangle… they might be a bit cluttered in a fuller charm design. :)
Hi Ellie,
I really like the lacey bangle, the lotus dangle charm, and the flourishing hearts bead. I am curious about how the bright hearts safety chain will look on Moments bracelet as won’t cover fully the threading but on a full bracelet guess it won’t be too noticeable. I tend to wear my bracelets not completely full as change up designs and add beads along the way so the visible portion of threads would be somewhat messy looking and detract from overall look?
I haven’t decided about the detachable clasp concept as these ones seem very dangly but will have to see them IRL. I like idea of interchangeable clasps so maybe Pandora might release more streamlined and compact detachable clasps.
I have been pleasntly surprised with Pandora’s new designs especially the character beads. I will have to buy a bigger sized bracelet to start my woodland animals-nature themed bracelet for my future charm purchases. My list of wants is getting really long and I am having problems cutting it down to a reasonable amount to fit my budget.
Thanks for all the multiple posts over the past few weeks as I enjoy reading all of them along with the comments. I really have to stop reading your blog before bedtime as hard to turn off tablet and to sleep at a reasonable time. Too much of an enjoyable distraction for me. Lol.
Hi Kelly! Yes, that was my thought, too! This campaign image shows the Wildflower Meadow safety chain on a threaded bracelet, and I guess the threads do just show through:

I totally agree! The increased number of character beads have been so great to see. This year’s Spring collection reminds me a little of the Spring 2013 collection, which is probably my favourite of all time. ^^ A woodlands animal bracelet sounds absolutely adorable, and just the kind of thing I’d like to make. I wish Pandora would bring out more animals… a fox, and an otter in particular, I would love!
My pleasure, Kelly! I’m so pleased that you have been enjoying reading them, and that you took the time to let me know. ^^ Thank you for commenting!
Hello Ellie,
This Mother’s Day release is so cute and refreshing! Such a nice change from what we’ve seen in the past. All three bangles are lovely. I had planned to use the Cake Slice with the Enchanted Teapot and Cup from the Spring not realizing the “congrats” inscription. I may use it anyway! The Perfect Home is a must, even tho’ it looks quite large. It’s nice to see another pretty murano. I hope the Plentiful Hearts is nice in person. The balloon charms are adorable. Another one of my favorites is the Lotus. I do hope we see this one in the US. I haven’t had such a long wish list in quite some time. Pandora not only came up with alot of great charms for Spring and Mother’s Day, but they nailed it with the pink/lilac color scheme. It’s everywhere this Spring! Thank you for another great preview!
I am really looking forward to to seeing the lilac-pink colour combinations as very pretty.
Lovely color combo for Spring and Summer.
Just an opinion, but I don’t think you should let the writing stop you. It’s probably easy to ignore:)
My thoughts exactly. If no other reason, I’ll congratulate myself for making it through two surgical procedures since Thanksgiving for bone grafting and dental implant. I’m a nervous wreck in the chair. Thank goodness for conscious sedation!
Hi Emily! I completely agree with you, there’s so much more variety here. The Congrats inscription does look quite small, and you could probably get around it! The script they’ve used is quite elegant, and I think that could work in terms of a pretty tea party invitation. :) My wish list is also so long this season! I mean, it’s going to take some time to work through but I’ve not felt this way in such a long time that I am just rather excited about it. ^^ I would like the safety chain, and the Flourishing Hearts dangle for sure, and then I also like the Shiny Bow clips, the Cake dangle, the Elephant balloons and more. <3 So they are possibles!
You are welcome, thank you for commenting!
need alll 3 bangles and just (finally) picked up a dainty bow bangle and the new bow clip may look nice with it! I actually only have 2 charms, rose gold ball + evil eye dangle! I keep my bangles simple with a clip or two at most! thanks for all the info!
Oh yay! I like to keep my bangles more simple as well, but I’ve recently started doing maybe 4-5 charms on them, which also looks nice.
Hi Ellie,
Oh my gosh i’m in so much trouble. Normally i don’t like much of the mothersdaycollection. But this time there are a lot of nice things.
I really love the bowcharms. I think the big bow would be lovely on its one at an open bangle. I also like the lotus charm i started a few weeks ago in a yoga class so i would be really fun to have.
Luckily i got from my local store a 20% discount coupon for me birthday. I can use it to 7th of april. So i really need to keep myselve in control to not run to the store because i want to whait till the spring collection is released.
Thanks so much for your preview again.
Hi Manon! I would love to see a live shot of that bow charm, or a campaign image with it in. I just want to see how Pandora envisage it being worn. ^^
It’s not too long until Spring now!! I hope you can stay strong, haha. Thank you for commenting!
I <3 My WoW is how I read that particular dangle on first sight. Lol. And Pandora hasn't really moved away from hearts in this collection, Ellie, hearts are everywhere on everything. I don't buy anything with hearts anymore for myself. I do like the lotus dangle, but the heart rules it out for me, and I like the lock concept, but not in hearts. Clearly I have no heart. :-)
Lol. Just makes the charm more versatile:). Even though I like some things in the collection, my tastes have moved so far from pandora at the moment, though I collected for years.
Maybe I should start selling some, though there are many keepers…
I’m far too lazy for the selling thing, I just give things away. I donate some to charity thrift shops, and I always include the items in Pandora bags and boxes. Mostly I donate bracelets. I have a last smooth snake chain packaged up and ready for my next “thrifting” trip with the girls. It’s faulty, but wearable, unlike the one I trashed. But the items make people happy, I’m told, so I don’t feel like I’ve wasted anything.
I know. I’m too lazy too. I usually sell to people who are looking for a specific charm and I sell at retail or below.
Not so many button hearts! I find those very repetitive.
I like the cake slice to go with the spring teacup, from the pics I think they are just the same colour, but again the word “congrats” makes it more suitable to celebrate something. Anyway, I haven´t paid much attention to inscriptions in the past, so we´ll see. The tree pendant is also very pretty and I might consider it. The lotus could be a must have, if it were release here.
All in all I see a bunch of beautiful pieces but very specific in theme, so I´m not the targeted “audience” here, lol. I wish I were, thouth.
Yes, the item codes say that they have the same enamel, so they should match perfectly in terms of colour! The tree pendant is lovely – I think it’s such a great option if you liked the VAlentine’s tree of love pendant but didn’t want the CZs on the bail.
Thank you once again for the lovely pictures of upcoming charms, I hope to buy the balloons ones as they are so cute and lovely.
My pleasure! I am quite tempted by the elephant balloons myself, they’re very sweet.
Lovely collection. I bet the brilliant bow just screws on with threads hidden behind the knot. It’s beautiful. I would be tempted by some pieces in this collection, especially the brilliant bow! I also notice that pandora has lowered their prices considerably. Instead of one less expensive charm and all the rest $70 and up, there is only one $90 charm. $45 to $50 per charm is still a lot, but much cheaper than most collection price points. Good for them!
So nice to hear that you like this collection overall Lisa! I would love to see a campaign or live image that shows the Brilliant Bow on a bracelet. I am sure you are right, I’d just like to see it in action! I also noticed that the average price of pieces in these collections had come down a little. Removing the heavy emphasis on pavé also has its benefits in that respect!
Wow, you are on a roll turning out these posts. I like that Pandora is doing more with the clasps, I love when the clasp looks like a charm. The Lace clasp bangle is my favourite of the three and would work with a number of themes, I know you are fond of the Victorian Era so I am not surprised you are drawn to this particular bangle and and look forward to see how you style this little beauty. No pressure to buy it, but I am happy to enable you on this one. The lotus dangle is very lovely and would work for anyone one who loves flowers, yoga, etc. I was pleased to see there is a silver version of the harmonious hearts. The balloon charms aren’t my thing but I am sure they will have appeal to others. I like the bouquet and was pleased to see it wasn’t a dangle charm – I would wear this one on my garden theme bracelet. The celebration cake piece is playful – only a splash of enamel, lots of silver, I agree could have done without the congratulations written across it, but none the less it is a well executed charm – the bails on all of the celebration charms are pave free!! Hurrah! They have resurrected the beaded bails for the numbers occasions charms! I always thought the beaded look on the bails added texture and depth.
I notice these upcoming charms seem to resonate with more people (who read this blog) and can’t help but wonder if it is because there are more silver on the charms, less pave, well placed enamel and a few more character charms with some whimsy.
Thanks so much for another lovely review and some new hope that Pandora designers are trying harder.
Lisa K
You nailed it. That’s exactly why this collection appeals to us, it’s fresh, current, and still more classic Pandora.
I completely agree!
Hi Lisa! Haha, you don’t need to worry about pressuring me to buy that lacey bangle – I have already done a fine job of convincing myself that I need it! ;) You’re quite right, it’s just my kind of thing. I think it’s beautiful. I like the balloon as well, but then enamel colour and detail is just what I like. Pavé is very hit and often miss with me, but enamel I am much more forgiving of! And yes, isn’t it nice to see plain silver bails? I so prefer them! They make a charm look so much more substantial. Pavé bails really do add nothing to a design for me.
Well, I am glad that you are also more enthusiastic for this collection. I agree with Deborah – you hit the nail on the head! There’s more creativity, a greater emphasis on enamel rather than pavé for adding a little depth of colour, and overall it’s a lovely mix of newer Pandora techniques and older Pandora ideas. I am enthused, and hope that they’ll continue in this direction later in the year. The Summer collection is a bit more zany, shall we say, but there are some nice pieces in that too.
Thanks for commenting!
Hi Ellie I love the floating locket bracelet that’s such a great idea. I really nice collection with many piece not specific to being a mum which means there something for everyone.
Hi Nicola! Yes, I like that one too. I like that you can completely change its look depending on what petite you put it in. Lots of the Spring beads would look nice on it if you put the Ladybug petite in it I think :)
Thanks Ellie! I have always been a fan of bows….very Chanel-ish. I may have to add the Brilliant Bow or the Brilliant Heart Bow to my collection, though I would have liked to see the the bow on the heart in gold, as I think that would have made it more elegant. I turned 50 recently, though I’m not sure I’d like that reminder with a charm :-)
I like the petite alphabet charms, particularly for younger girls. Recently, I purchased two of the medium floating locket necklaces as Bat-Mitzvah gifts and the girls loved them, so I think having the letters make a nice addition to the petite collection, though I may get the “W & T” in a locket for my friend Wendy who is getting married soon. I like the bridesmaid one…but how long after being a bridesmaid would someone realistically still wear this? Though this one could also work for Lisa’s “movie-themed” bracelet for the movie Bridesmaids, which she suggested in the previous blog. Thanks again.
I like bows as well! I have most of the original Dainty Bow pieces and the Sparkling Bow pendants, too. ^^ I like the look of the Shiny Bow clips very much, and would like to see the Brilliant Bow in person very much. You’re spot on re the two-tone Brilliant Heart Bow – how pretty would that have been! I am not 100% keen on it all in silver, as I think some of the detail gets a bit lost.
I think that the bridesmaid charm is a very sweet one, and I think I’d keep mine around for a long time after the actual event. It would make a nice keepsake, at least, even if you don’t always wear it. What a great shout re Bridesmaids for a movie-themed bracelet though! ^^ Lisa is well on her way with that design, haha. Thanks for commenting!
Do you remember the composable necklaces Pandora use to do? I wonder of you could use one of the ‘S’ clips from that on the padlock bangles?? Then you could make any clip charm become the clasp. Could be fiddly to put on though.
Oh yes! What an interesting idea. I wonder if anyone has tried this!
:-) I think the Flourishing Bangle is my favorite and something my mother would enjoy.
Thanks for sharing all the info!
Have a very HAPPY weekend
Claudia :-)
And it’s even prettier in person Claudia! :) I don’t like the inscription but I can feel myself being tempted every time I go into store, haha. Have a great week ahead!
My favorites are the flourishing hearts pendant and the mouse and balloon bead. The mouse and balloon bead is really cute.
The clasp on the top bangle has the same pattern as the Pandora Rose pattern of love dangle (interlocking circles with a heart). It would be nice to see the pattern of love dangle in silver also.
I like both of those as well! I particularly like the Elephant & Balloon beads myself too.
I hadn’t looked closely at the bangle design until you said so, but I like it even more now that I can see the circles and the heart. ^^
Hi Ellie,
What a wonderful preview! I always enjoy reading everyone’s comments too.
I do love bangles and wear them all the times. I will definitely buy the first one with the intricate design. I went to a Pandora store today to try the “Lock your Promise” bracelet to see how it falls on the wrist and loved it. But I prefer this new one with the family tree. I do not have children but I have my precious nieces so I want to make a bracelet to represent my loving family.
I am so excited to see a murano with pastel colors. It will be perfect with some nice Spring charms, Perfect home dangle, slice cake, teapot and cup. The celebration bouquet will find it’s way somewhere in my collection too.?
The bright hearts security chain is lovely too. I do have one chain for every bracelet and it’s nice to have a collection instead of repeating the same one.
I love bows too.. I am in big trouble here LOL???
I really hope the Heart with birds will be available in Canada. It looks so romantic.
The lotus looks nice but its not on my priority list.
I do hope we will have a promo in April. There is so many charms I want from these new collections. I am very happy.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Rachelle! That sounds like a beautiful way to use the Mother’s Day bangle. It’s even lovelier in person – and if you like the Lock Your Promise, I am sure you will love this one, too.
I have a safety chain for every bracelet as well! Or I try to. The only one I have more than one of is the original raindrops safety chain. It’s such a nice neutral design, and I picked up two extras when they went so cheap in the sales. I’d prefer to have a unique design for each bracelet – and if Pandora keep producing new SCs at the rate they’re going, then that shouldn’t be a problem lol!
There will be a Mother’s Day jewellery box GWP for the US in April! And I think a spend & save in March. So there are a few things to look forward to!
Thanks for commenting Rachelle, and have a lovely week ahead!
I have to agree with you, the top bangle is wonderful! It is on the very top of my wish list. I love the Victorian look and would wear this just as a simple addition with my other bracelets. I tend to use clips with only a few charms per bracelet. I wear an 18cm and even it is big but I don’t like my bracelets to be heavy so have many with only 5-7 charms each on them. This is a must have bangle though that will work in tandem with any of them.
That’s what I was thinking – that it would be beautiful to stack with! I hope there isn’t an inscription hidden away at the back of though haha. It’s funny that you don’t fill up your bracelets – we all have our own ways of styling things! I always fill my charm bracelets right up and then use the bangles and leathers as a complementary designs with only a couple of charms on them. :)
Mine start as a mini design on a bangle or leather. As the complimentary charms come out over the seasons, these designs tend to move to regular bracelets for a fuller effect. Then the newer charms end up on the bangles until the design becomes too big again. And so on…
LOVING all of your previews! Now to decide what to get…:0
Would you happen to know if Pandora will be having a free bracelet promotion anytime soon? I’m wanting a new bracelet but thinking that I should wait in case they have a promotion in the next couple of months.
Haha, the best kind of decision making! ^^
I understand that there’s a promo coming up for the US, but it’s spend & save not a bracelet promo. They do have a track record recently of switching up promos right at the last minute, but at the moment all indications are that it’s going to be a spend & save.
Any idea when the spend and save will be?
I think next month but I am not sure yet!
Love the balloons charms. So cute…. By the way, do you know if there is GWP bangle for mother’s day in Australia as per usual? What design will it be for this year if there is? Thanks.
If there is, I don’t think it’s going to be a the Flourishing Hearts bangle offered as a GWP. I’m told that that will be a regular gift set in Australia this year. I will try and find out more! :)
Thanks Ellie. You are an angel.?
Good morning dear
Do we get know a price for the Lotus dangle charm? I’m in love with it!
Hi! Sorry, I don’t have a price for this one. It wasn’t in the catalogues I saw :)
Hi Ellie,
Do you know when the new Spring Disney Collection is coming out? Is it also March 15th? There was a chant I loved I saw on another blog called the Disney Mickey & Minnie Car Charm. I was also wondering the price of it. It’s one of the new Disney charms I was so so bad!
Hi Grace! That one was in my very first previews but Pandora have said no Disney previews for now. It’s an April 12 release and will be $50 usd :)
Hello, did they ever release the Pattern of Love Bangle in the US? I’ve been eyeing for that one and it wasn’t released this April 12 :(