Today brings a Pandora Disney Parks article, with a few updates regarding a couple of Pandora Disney beads I previewed a few months ago with the Valentine’s collection. These were the Disney Mickey & Minnie ‘cutie’ dangles, and also a new Disney Epcot charm.
When I originally previewed them, there was a lack of information as to their availability; however I now have some live shots and release details for them. Read on for more info!
Pandora Disney Parks February 2018 update
The first of these charms are the ‘kawaii’ style renditions of Mickey and Minnie. These are now confirmed as having been released in the Disney parks at Shanghai. They haven’t appeared anywhere else so far and I assume that these are exclusive to Shanghai for now.
These are priced at 598 yuan each, which translates currently to about £70 / $95 – quite pricey! The Shanghai Disney Parks does not currently offer Pandora online, unlike the US parks at shop, so you will have to find a friend or a personal shopper to help you if you want either.

I wasn’t necessarily averse to the Cuties from their stock images, but the live photos give me pause. It might just be the lighting but I don’t feel like the combination of very polished silver and enamel works as well in these particular beads.

Many thanks to Yingjun Peng for the clear images!

My next update concerns the upcoming Disney Parks Epcot charm. I don’t have any real concrete updates on this bead, apart from to show you the back of it, and to confirm that it’s intended for release for the 2018 Epcot Flower festival, which begins on February 28 and runs through until May 28. So you can expect it on or before the end of this month.
Pandora’s blurb for the charm runs as follows:-
Channel the lush green flora of Disney’s annual Epcot Flower & Garden Festival with this sterling silver and enamel charm portraying everyone’s favourite mouse.
My Comment
Thankfully, I think my wallet is safe from these! The Cutie beads are quite novelty items to me, and so £70 each is more than I’d be willing to pay in any case. The Epcot is a fun bead but very hard to style and I would prefer to track down the original silver Epcot Flower Festival bead:
Are any of these beads on your wish list?
Cuties – hideous! Sorry.
Aren’t they just! I think they are hideous!!
No, I am not keen on the live images either!
Hi Ellie,
I am not a huge Mickey/Minnie fan so my wallet is safe. I do like the older Epcot Flower bead. Maybe one more oldie but goodie to track down…
Thanks for the live shots!
PS. Just ordered the older one at shop
The older one is very nice. Solid silver with lots of detail.
I was tempted to get that one and the Wishes bead from shop disney but have managed to stop myself for now haha!
Hi Deborah! Me neither, I prefer other characters overall :) the older epcot bead is one of my favourites!
Wow. My Epcot bead arrived today. The craftsmanship is amazing. The way the silver is cut, it shines just like it was full of CZ, but not a single one in sight! It is expensive as solid silver pricing goes, but it was totally worth it. And it’s the right size to balance out my FleurDeLis charm.
Any updates on the other Disney releases? I know we caught a señal peak earlier at a few of the beads before the images had to be taken down. But I’m excited to see the rest of the collection. ;)
I am embargoed from posting the Disney pieces right now by Pandora, but the rest of the collection is all Mickey/Minnie. Most of it already leaked in my original spring sneak peeks :)
These new releases don’t really appeal to me. But I feel good holding out for the Spring 2018 beads which are so much prettier! Thanks for keeping us updated :)
Me too! I am head over heels for Spring this year :)
The circle with flowers is pretty.
I like that one too!
I think the Epcot flower festival charm is cute and it also reminds me of Moana (Te Fiti anoyone?). But I don’t think I’d be getting it unless I specifically went to Epcot during the flower festival. As for the “Cuties”, i think im gonna fit into the majority of thoughts on those ?
No, I have no idea how I’d wear that one with other charms! It’s very bright.
The Epcot Micky head is quite cute I’m not sure about the Micky and Minnie beads know I think they look a bit odd there heads are too big. I’m looking forward to the uk getting the rest of the Disney pieces im so excited to see it in person.
I know, I’m really looking forward to seeing all the new Disney beads on Saturday! :D
I was so bored this weekend and was floating around to other charm blogs. Honestly I like yours the best not only for the layout but the info, your writing style, styling of the charms, photos, etc. I must say I get so excited when I see a new post sitting in my inbox even if it is nothing I would collect:) That being said, thanks for the Disney updates! I may get the new Epcot flower&garden, Mickey looks like he could be on a tropical island somewhere enjoying the sand & sun! I never realized the 2016 was spaceship earth with flowers – hello- amazing what my eyes miss! Did they do a 2017 Epcot flower & garden? Thanks.
It’s so lovely that you look forward to posts in that way – there are some great blogs out there that really inspire me, so that is a huge compliment! :) Thank you for reading and commenting. ☺️ No, I don’t believe that there was a 2017 charm. There was an engraved dangle for the 2017 epcot food and wine festival, but no flowers. I love the 2016 one, though, and think it would be super cute with some of the upcoming Spring beads! <3
Both Minnie and Mickey has been released on the Swedish pandora site.
They won’t ship to US though, right?:(
They seem to be less than $70.00 each. I would get them:( is rather creaky and charms are often listed in countries where they’re not actually available. I would be surprised if they were actually on sale in Sweden!
thanks for the update! any news about when u can give us a preview of the new pandora rose spring collection? can’t wait! thanks in advance, -Lena
Very soon, Lena! :) I was waiting until I got clearance to post the Mother’s Day Rose beads as well so that I could do one big post.
Hi Ellie,
I have to say I’m positively speechless!! Today I weep for Mickey & Minnie. This version remind me of Spielberg’s Animaniacs Pinky & The Brain cartoon. The Epcot charm is nice.
Thanks Ellie, as always your posts are infomative, well thought out and well written. On an upnote I’m looking forward to the Spring collection.
Lisa K
Hi Lisa! Haha, I think I get what they were going for – like Tsum Tsum style ‘cute’ beads. But I think they have missed the mark a little for me. Never mind! Mickey & Minnie will get more of a traditional representation in the Disney Spring 2018 collection. ^^
Thanks for commenting Lisa! I similarly look forward to your comments, which are always very interesting and constructive, even when you’re not keen on the beads under discussion. ^^
The dangles look like Mylar foil balloons.
Somehow the vision didn’t translate to real life cutie charms. The mouths look odd on both characters as if there is a ring around them. Really too bad as I kinda liked the original concept design. Might have worked if use black enamel for facial features and colors for parts of clothes instead like the God of fortune & luck charm.
No, I wasn’t against the original stock image concepts (although I had a feeling that the price would be prohibitive for what they were) but I am not keen on the live images!
Hi Ellie,
The new Epcot Mickey charm with the 2018 club charm would make a nice theme bracelet: Love and Mother Nature on Earth.?
On a different note, I find the M&M dangles very ugly and ridiculous. Hello Pandora, please make a REAL full bodied Mickey & Minnie all silver… or two tone ?
Have a great day everyone!
Hi Rachelle! Oh yes, what a great idea. You could make a very nice bracelet with maybe some light blues and greens on that theme!
Have a great day too and thanks for commenting! :)
Hi Ellie, thanks again for this review. The original Epcot bead looks very pretty and detailed indeed! I love the flowers and the oxidized details. I reckon I will save my Pandora money for the Spring collection as there is a lot lot lot I like there! The ‘cuties’ look scary I think.. Makes me wonder if Pandora is giving us Halloween charms in disguise… :) Have a lovely week!
Hi Pauline! The original Epcot bead is lovely, I’ve just always found it very expensive for a plain silver. But I am tempted! I think it would look nice with the upcoming Spring bead. Haha, you won’t either of these two Cuties on my Halloween bracelet! :P Have a lovely week too and thanks for commenting!
I like the 2018 mickey mouse epcot
Flower and garden charm .
pandora can keep
The two m&m charms released to park in japan,would not waste space on my braclet
Any idea when a sneak peak of the rest of the Disney Parks Exclusive Spring/Summer 2018 charms will be released? It’s a late release this year!
When will the Mickey safety chain be released? I am going to Florida in September and would love to buy it when I am there?
if you mean the one with mickey hangin from the chain, its out now. we’ve seen it in all the parks, plus the store at disney springs.