Today’s post brings an updated on the scheduled May 2017 mini-release from Pandora, which included two new open bangle designs and three new colours of the pretty Encased in Love charms. I first posted about them back in my April news-round up, noting that they were officially due out on the 11th May.

However, this release has proven anything but straightforward – the release of both these items has been sporadic, even within regions, and I’ve rounded up the latest on both the Encased in Love charms, and the new bangles!
Pandora Encased in Love charms
The first part of this surprise May release were three new colours of the Encased in Love charms. These are now making an appearance in various regions; however, this is in a rather fragmented fashion, and it’s a bit confusing as to which stores in which countries have them or will have them soon. I’ve rounded up the launches that I’m aware of, and please do feel free to fill in the gaps if you know something that I’ve not included here! :)
These have now launched in the US, and are present on the US eStore, but there’s no sign of them yet on the Canadian one. Stores are also now receiving them in the UK, and some readers have been able to go and see them over the weekend; similarly, some retailers have them online already, and others don’t. They’re available now for purchase at The Jewel Hut, retailing for £55 each.
I’ve not seen any sign of them in Australia/New Zealand or Asian regions yet, however.
From the live shots (see the first image in this post, and below), I have to say that I particularly love the opalescent and sky-blue versions. How pretty they are!
Pandora Open Bangles
Alongside the new charms, there were also meant to be two new open bangles launching. These have screw-on ends, and come in both a pave ($125 USD) and a plain silver ($75 USD) version:
There have been rumours rife that there are production issues with these bangles, but then I was surprised to see that they appeared to have launched in the US last week. They appeared on the US version of, with several stores posting pictures of the new bangles to Instagram:

However, the latest twist in the tale is that stores are apparently now having them recalled by Pandora! Jahndra from MyXpressions tried to grab one, but was told by her store that they weren’t allowed to let anyone purchase them. So it looks like we might not be getting these for the time being! :(

If you follow the link in the image credit line, Jahndra also very helpfully breaks down how exactly the screw-in ends work and her thoughts on the bangle. :)
My Comment
I particularly like these new colours of the Encased in Love bead, especially the blue version! I just finished my sky-blue dreamy bracelet, but I do wonder whether the blue Encased in Love would look nice on it… Perhaps it would be too bright a blue?
I did take a look on Sunday to see whether my local store had received these new charms, but they hadn’t yet. :(
It’s a shame about the open bangles, too, but hopefully Pandora will straighten out whatever production issues are happening and get them out again soon. Although I think the shelved bracelet design I would really like to see again is the textured mesh charm bracelet, which appeared in Autumn 2016 promo imagery but was never released. No information has crept out about it since then, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they revisit this idea as it looked so lovely!
Are you disappointed about the bangle news? And will you be purchasing any of the new Encased in Love colours?
Pandora’s going wrong with charms. Lots of enamel and syntethic stones. There will be no two tone charms soon. I am very disappointed :-(
I do miss the older two-tones as well! :) A lot of the new ones seem to be hearts, too.
I love the two tones too!?
Hope Pandora will continue making those.?
I was hoping to get this year the new bracelet with logo and gold rim.?
Imagine the ladies who has a gold Pandora bracelet and needs new charms to add on; you need variety.?
I miss the two-tone charms too. I also miss plain silver charms. I’ve been lucky to find the ones I wanted at the outlet. The Canadian site is showing the Encased in Love charms on it now.
We have the encased beads here in France ;-) they do look so pretty!
I was wondering do you know what’s going on with the white leather double bracelet that was supposed to come out on April 13th with the Mother’s Day collection?
I can’t find it anywhere, the pandora store I go to has no information, which is weird because it’s present in the spring catalogue.
Was looking forward to this new colour!
Thank you :-)
The release of the white (ivory) bracelet was postponed. It should be coming out with the Summer collection on June 1st. This is definitely the case in Belgium, so I imagine the same will apply to France.
Oh thanks for the info! So glad it’s coming soon!
Me too!
Thanks Brenda!
Hi Perrine! Thanks for the info, glad to hear you’ve got them :) As Brenda says, my understanding is that the white leather bracelet has been pushed back to Summer. I did see it as an online exclusive already on the Hong Kong store, but that seems to be the exception to the rule.
As always, thanks for your post!
I’m not interested in the open bangles, but I am interested in the stopper beads that seem to come with them. Do you have any idea if those will be sold separately?
And I love your sky blue bracelet ^^
They come with the bangle. They are extremely small.
Thank you for the answer!
I think they would have been great to keep the charms on some of my regular bangles in place, but I’m not willing to buy an open bangle just to get them.
See my post below on the bangle:(
Hi Laura! The stoppers are just for the bangles currently. I’ve not heard of a separate release for them. :)
and yay! Thank you! ☺️
Hi Laura. You can actually buy silver stopper beads (not Pandora) like these from Amazon or eBay. They work great on leather bracelets and bangles in particular. They can be a bit tricky to get on the bracelet at first, but once you get the hang of it, they work really well.
Thanks for the tip, I ordered a pair ^^
Hi Ellie,
Your blue theme bracelet looks lovely.
I might get an incased love charm in opalescent already available in Canada. Will have to wait and see it in person. I purchased the intertwine clear radiance and wonder if they would go well together on a white theme bracelet.
The open bracelet is not my thing (I have one from Chamilia and not wearing it).
I do love the textured mesh bracelet. It would look great without any beads, along with a beautiful watch. Do you have a Pandora watch Ellie?
Have a great day! Hope you are feeling better.?
Hi Rachelle! Thank you ? I think that sounds like a very pretty combination of yours too, although the opalescent beads do tend to run a little pink. But it sounds very nice!
I don’t have a Pandora watch as it happens :) I never used to wear a watch back when Pandora actually made them! I have an Olivia Burton one that I’m very fond of these days though. ^^ I like your idea of wearing one with a plain bracelet though! <3
Have a lovely day too - hope all is good with you too! <3
Helloooo!! ???
Thx for another wonderful preview. As far as I know the Encased in love charms aren’t in Spain yet. At least they weren’t in the official page the day before yesterday. Anyway, I plan to go to my boutique sometime this week, as the mall released another 10 € voucher for Mother’s Day and I am going to spend it on Pandora. I’m bringing my poor Essence beaded bracelet up to date currently, before it’s too late.
As for the encased in love, well at first I thought that I didn’t like the colours that much but in these new pics the blue one seem quite nice and for whatever reason this is my blue year (I’m usually a really a “pink” lady, I don’t know what’s got into me). And you have make me think about the opalescent ones. Months ago I got the opalescent petit facets but returned them because they looked somewhat like plastic but with that silver detailing all around …. so I agree to you, I’ll have to take a look at both of them when they come here.
As long as the bracelets are concerned, well I like them and I would be very dissapointed for the delay but I’m quite sure that they will be too big for me and I can’t be sure if they can be cut being open ??
Lately I’d like to say that I haven’t forgot that textured bracelet. I like mesh bracelets very muuuuuch ?
? Pandoraaaaaa, release it, pleeeaase!!!!!
Have a nice week and thx again for the info. The excitement of knowing in advance what’s going to come it’s part of the game! ?
Hi Marie! I’d love a voucher for Pandora, haha. Enjoy spending yours! ^^
I’m liking blue as well! Hence me finishing my blue bracelet pictured above, haha. I never really had many blue beads in my early years of collecting, as I’d always gravitate towards pinks or purples. As you get further into collecting, I think you start to look further afield for different colours and designs. :)
Aha, I know – I’d be so excited if they did release the textured bracelet after all! It would be lovely with some oxidised beads, I think. <3 Have a lovely week too and thanks for commenting!
Hey Ellie, I just forgot to ask this question when commenting earlier: do you happen to know where the open bangles are made?. I read sometime ago in Pandora spanish fb page from a very angry lady that not the entire production is being made in Thailand as it used to be. And the problem she was angry about was that with the lockets and the poor quality.Sales Manager tried to deny it but this customer knew what she was talking about and in the end the references of the products, which don’t come from Thailand was published.
And guess what?. The lockets were among them. I wonder if those problem issues they have with the open bangles is somehow related?
Oh, I hadn’t heard that at all! Do you have a link to that information at all? I’d be interested to know more. :)
I really like those open bangles! I just checked, and they are still showing up on the US estore…. I wonder if I should grab one before they disappear??
I would’ve loved to see the mesh bracelet too! I hope it comes back to production!
Thanks again for the previews! ?
I couldn’t see them on the US estore? Just on the US version of
Oops, you’re right. Sorry for the tease! I tried to order one and clicked “buy now” and it took me to the “sorry, this doesn’t exist page”. Darn! Hopefully they fix it and rerelease them. I was really looking forward to one of these!
No worries! I was excited that I’d missed something for a second. ^^ Hopefully they’ll get re-released soon!
Hello Ellie here in Canada they don’t have any yet I am disappointed that Pandora shows us in pictures from makes u exaited then not available so why post it I think that they shouldn’t ±o that they know a year or more in advance so I guess they are not coming with it anytime soon the same with the braclet of last year oh well I the summer has some nice charms let’s hope it will do for now thanks for keeping us informant
Hi Gilit! To be fair, a lot of the pictures that get published here or elsewhere online are from pre-release information intended for the stores, so it is often an unintentional tease :( they do seem to encounter a fair amount of production problems though :( the textured bracelet is the one I’m saddest about!
The mesh is definitely a nice bracelet, but I can see how it wouldn’t hold up with threaded charms sliding over it. The Encased are nice beads, basically the Geometric Facets wrapped in silver hearts. They’re showing on the Canada .net site, but the ‘buy now’ link goes to an error page. The new double leathers were showing on .net too, also going to an error page, but now they’re gone, I guess to return on June 1.
Going back to the Friendship bracelets from your last post. I like the new header picture you have on that post, showing the bracelet closing very well, and based on that, I’ll be passing on those bracelets. I can’t see them being secure, especially if heavier charms are used. I won’t be surprised if the Friendship bracelets retire quickly.
Yes, I wonder if that was the reason why it didn’t make it :( but I hope not, as that would be difficult for them to fix and get an improved version out!
Mm, I’ll be interested to try one on in store and see what I think about the Friendship bracelets in person! They should be coming out just before I go on holiday, so that might be a fun thing to go and try to track down in a store there. I’m potentially kind of tempted by a black one or a dark blue one..
It’d be awesome if you did that with the Friendship bracelet and then told us how the closure feels. I’d trust your judgment. :-)
I will try! ^^
HI Ellie! I had forgotten about the mesh bracelet – now I’m in “want” all over again! I love the encased in love. I have the cerise one. Definitely will be getting the opalescent one. It would go great with the opalescent radiant heart I think. I love the pink and the blue; however, I don’t have a place on a bracelet for them. I like the open bangles with the stoppers. Hope they will be available soon. And my granddaughters will love the friendship bracelets. The bright ones will go well with the new summer bright enamel charms. Thanks for the update. It has been confusing trying to remember what releases when.
Hi Deborah! Oh no, I’m sorry for reopening that disappointment haha. :) I still live in hope that we’ll see it again! It was so popular with collectors just from the preview images, you think they’d be working pretty hard to iron out the kinks in the design.
I like these colours very much too, but also don’t really have a place for them. They’re also rather pricey, so I’d have to be sure, after all that I’ve invested in my Rue La La purchases recently ^^ glad the update was useful, and thanks for commenting!
Hi Ellie,
Thanks for the update on the open bangles. I am very interested in these especially the stoppers. I received a Canada promo email that showed an open Bangle with hearts on the ends but it does not show up on the e-store site. I hope Pandora can figure out their production issues I would definitely invest in one. Not sure why they are having problems, Chamilia and some other charm companies have them. The open Bangle charm bracelet is not a new concept. I will keep my fingers crossed.
On another note if I were to buy any of the new encased in love charms the blue sky would be my preferred. I think it would make a lovely addition to your blue sky bracelet or even a frosty winter wonderland theme. Sorry for the winter flashback!lol
The textured bracelet is lovely sorry it never made it past the prototype phase. I wonder if a charm rubbing back and forth over the bracelet would cause over where on the charms or the bracelet?
I will check out my local shop in shop to see what has come in from the latest release. They are a pretty knowledgeable group of gals perhaps they know something about the open bangles etc
All the best!
Lisa K
Hi Lisa! Yes, I just saw your email, but it looked like the open hearts ring to me? It was hard to tell just from the picture! Pandora do seem to be having a few issues – perhaps trying to get products out too quickly or being too ambitious in the designs. If they brought one bracelet back out, it would be the mesh bracelets. It’s frustrating knowing that they made at least a few of the textured bracelet, haha, as there are campaign images of models wearing them haha! I wonder if you’re right about the production issues with it.
Good luck at your local store – report back if you hear anything! ^^
Now that you mention it on second glance it is most likely a ring! I got excited thinking it was an open bangle. I am a little relieved because it had hearts on the end & ai wanted the plain silver ends.
So tonight I went to my local shop & shop and the gal there said she would talk to the district manager. She couldn’t find the open bangle in their catalogue, not sure what that means if the shop in shop will get them or if they are for the concept stores. While at the store I picked up the Red enamel junk boat on the last call tray, must have missed it on my last few visits. I was so surprised to see it retiring since it only came out last year! It was the last one so I snagged it while I could. I want it to go with the new Asian red Murano due out in a few weeks.
I’ll let you know if I find anything out about the open bangle release in my area.
All the best!
Lisa K
Hi Lisa! I think the bangles were originally intended for most shops, I’m sure I didn’t see any restrictions on the catalogue I was shown… but I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens! Please do let me know if you find out any more! When it comes to launches internationally I am often reliant on what people on the ground let me know ^^
Yay, the red boat is very cute! Pandora are so ruthless about retiring things these days!
Hi Ellie,
Most of the Pandora stores near me have the encased in love charms. I bought the blue one and like it a lot. Blue is my favorite color from Pandora, so I may always be tempted by these charms, even though I’ve become disenchanted with their releases. I also want the koi murano.
I’m so NOT surprised to hear of the recall of the open bangles!! I was in New Jersey yesterday and asked the Pandora staff about the bangles. They reluctantly dragged one out of the back (they only had the plain version, not the cz one) and I bought one. When I got it home I realized it’s very poorly made and the ends are not at all secure. To close them, you push them in and twist slightly. If you accidentally touched the bracelet the ends would fall right off. I’m going to try to return it today.
It disappoints me to see such expensive products so poorly made.
Hi Lisa! The blue really appeals to me. I think the colour is lovely against the shine of the silver hearts. And it looks great with the opalescent version, too!
Oh wow, you got one? That’s quite the find, even if you’re not enchanted with it exactly, haha. :) That doesn’t sound good at all, sounds like they have some real issues with the design. You should consider hanging on to it just for the collectablility of it though ;)
Hi Lisa,
Would the blue encased love charm go well with blue murano butterfly or the cathedral rose? I have them both on my Disney bracelet and I am trying to get charms with the similar light blue.
Hi Rachelle,
The encased in love blue is much lighter in color. I could definitely see it going with the murano nicely, though. I wouldn’t see it with the cathedral rose. The styling doesn’t match well, and the cathedral rose is too dark.
Thanks Lisa for your comments.
You see I got the Disney Vacation Club charm last Winter; the Mickey is a vivid blue which we don’t see much in the Pandora collection. Happily, I finally got the cathedral rose charm after seeing it at the store; it’s lighter shade match!!!???
I was thinking a lighter shade might work too.
Hopefully our Costco warehouse will carry the encased love charms soon???…. thinking buying more than one color, hahaha
I looked up the mickey charm you mentioned.The blue encased in love would look nice with it. It sounds like a nice mix of blue shades that would go together.
Now I’m excited and might not be able to wait and go hunting the warehouses hahaha.. I am on holidays with no plans right now.. wait that is my new plan LOL
Hi Ellie I really liked the blue one two and wondered Ito added it to my blue bracelet. I really like the idea of a cuff bangle with charm it’s what I having been hoping for hopefully they sort it out and bring them to the uk. When you think about it Pandora have had quite a few production issues.
Hi Nicola! I don’t have any more plans for blue bracelets in the works, but I really did like the look of the blue ones from the photos <3 Pandora have had a few problems, but they make jewellery on such a big scale these days that it must be hard to get some of the handmade pieces right. I can understand why murano glass beads often pose problems.
Hi Ellie,
None of the releases this year have been of any interest to me and anything I might have been interested in, simply didn’t show up in Belgium. Hopefully the white leather will indeed arrive with the Summer collection… The open bangle is the latest disappointment, I was thinking that I’d finally found a Pandora bangle that would fit properly. I currently own 2 regular Moments bangles and they just don’t fit; the 17cm is a bit neat and the 19cm is so big that I can remove it without undoing the clasp. This open bangle would have been just perfect and as it’s an oval shape, would have sat nicely on my wrist.
Having read Lisa G’s comments on the bangle, I have to admit I’m shocked. I fail to understand how a new product manages to leave the production plant without having undergone quality control. Don’t they test things first? We so often read about production issues, one would think that Pandora would have learned their lesson by now but, obviously not.
Well, enough complaining from me, I’ll just need to wait and see what does turn up on June 1st. With some luck the Encased in Love charms will be there (or will they?!?!).
Hi Brenda! Oh, what a shame. I’d be very disappointed if nothing at all appealed to me from Pandora for the whole year :) I hope something in the later collections will catch your eye!
I was also surprised to read how significant Lisa found the issues with these new bangles. Normally production issues aren’t even immediately apparent. It’s a shame. Hopefully they can get it straightened out and, in the meantime, there are the lovely Encased in Love charms to lust after too! I hope the show up for you in Belgium <3
Oh, no worries Ellie. I spent a small fortune on the Spring collection, but not for myself. I made up about two-thirds of the new Poetic Blooms bracelet for my daughter as a birthday present; that particular collection was perfect for her! I’m desperately waiting for the Summer collection, I’ll definitely find something there!
Oh, well I’m glad to hear that your daughter enjoyed it! Sounds like an amazing present. I’m waiting for Summer as well, as I want my weather doll and my glitter muranos! ^^
Hi Ellie thanks for the reply it’s not your fault I appreciate what u do I just get excited and I always look forward to the new staff I have lots and lots of pandora I love every piece I get but it’s sometime disappointing I love your posts u are doing a great job looking forward to your next post xoxo
Hi Gilit! I’m glad to hear it :) that is the downside of the previews, that we sometimes catch glimpses of products that get recalled or discontinued before their launch that we wouldn’t have known about otherwise! I’m really pleased to hear that you enjoy the blog though and as always thank you for taking the time to let me know <3 xx
I am having troble with my Internet conexion these days, so it will be difficult for me to search for it. However, the admitted non-thailandish products were only four, so I can tell you right now: the Luminous Thread bracelet (Italy) and the three lockets ( not Thailand but Asia). I’ll send you the link or the references if I can use my tablet or my PC tomorrow.
Please don’t worry if it’s difficult! :) You just piqued my curiosity ^^
Sorry, I think it´s the Luminous String bracelet. I just googled all 4 references and got the answers. I was a bit reluctant to say this but the lockets are made in China.
Thanks Marie! :)
Hi Ellie,
Thanks for the update. I’m a bit disappointed to find out Pandora will be doing a recall on the Open Bangles. I’ve been anxiously awaiting their arrival.
Love your Sky Blue Dreamy bracelet! The blues look so fresh and crisp. When I first saw your new Rue haul, I initially thought the muranos were the TLG. I realize now they are actually the BLG. Thanks for sharing. I always enjoy seeing your designs.
I called my Jared’s store today and was told their Memorial Day Event will be the 25th-29th and pre-sales allowed on the 24th with a Jared’s card…no limit. The EIL charms have not arrived at their store as of yet. Per conference call this afternoon, they were not aware of a recall on the Open Bangles. They were thinking both the EIL charms as well as the Open Bangles would be available for the promo.
Hope your week got off to a good start. Looking forward to your next post, as always.
Hi Emily! Oh, I’m sorry that you’re disappointed. Hopefully they’ll get the problems straightened out :) There’s been conflicting information on the open bangles, but it does seem like they’ve been paused and recalled. Their lack of appearance on the US estore with the Encased in Love charms is also damning!
Yay, I’m so glad you like my blue bracelet! Thank you! I prefer the lighter blue Looking Glass muranos to the turquoise ones, as they’re a bit softer and calmer – we never got the light blue ones here in the UK, so it was great to be able to order them a bit cheaper from Rue!
Thank you for commenting Emily, hope you’re enjoying the weekend! <3
Oh My I would lose this bangle :(
I hope not!
As soon as I saw that the bangles had a screw end I thought “oh no!”. Those things never stay closed properly and ladies all over will be losing their precious and expensive beads. Worst idea ever by Pandora to make a cheap thing like that. I would never trust a bead on those!
The thing is, we can’t get feedback on how they actually wear at the moment, seeing as no one can buy one! :(
I bought an open bangle last Saturday. After two hours the pave end cap was gone!
They can’t give me a new end cap. I am so disappointed!
I like your light blue bracelet. I have one of same light blue colour bracelet but with different silver beads. I used elsa, tropical sea glass & blue fizzle murano. I did a bit of adjustment to make room for the new glitter mint murano. Looking forward to the summer release.
Thank you! I don’t usually go for blues, but I love how peaceful and soothing the colour is to look at. Love the sound of yours, sounds like it has a little more pop and vibrancy than mine – the mint glitter would be perfect with that sea glass! <3
Hello all,
Just curious if anyone can speak for the quality of chamilla?
Hi Ashley,
The ends snaps really well to close. I wore mine with beads and stoppers and did not issue any problems. I wear mine mostly in Summer (so that means not very often since other seasons tend to be longer Hahaha). You can wear the bracelet with short sleeves only. I got mine for free with a promotion.
Hi Rachelle,
Thank you for the reply. I bid on one in an eBay auction and won it. It is a oval snap bracelet with the humming bird logo. 2 princess locks and this key heart shaped lock charm. Won it for like 54 bucks. It was an unwanted gift to the seller.
Wow great sale! I am happy for you.
Hi Ashley! I have only two Chamilia charms, but those two feel as a weighty and have held up as well as any of my Pandora ones. :) I don’t have any of their bracelets.
Hi Ellie,
Do you know anything about the new Disney Pandora park exclusive charms? I am waiting for the Alice in the teacup charm and it is not available yet. Neither is the Dumbo charm. :(
Hi Andrea! The last thing I was told was 1st June with the summer collection, but I have not been able to have this confirmed. :( Fingers crossed, as I would love Dumbo!
Open bangle is a copy of Trollbead bangle with two caps, don’t like it with two removable caps, too heavy.
Fair enough!
Hey! I was wondering if the open bangle already got re-released, since I was able to buy one from the Dutch Pandora e-store (which I did yesterday). I had no idea about the issue until I read your blog today and now I’m worried I’m gonna get a faulty one as well. It surprises me that they recalled them in your country, yet they’re still selling them here.