It’s an exciting start to the month for Pandora collectors, as today sees the launch of both the Pandora Summer 2016 collection and the limited edition Pandora Club charm for 2016! The Summer collection features two main themes, Oriental Bloom and Holiday Fun, offering a mix of exotic deep reds and sparkly oceanic teals and blues.
As usual, I’m celebrating the launch of the new collection with a selection of gorgeous live shots of all the new charms & jewellery!
Pandora Club Charm 2016 Release
This year’s limited edition Pandora Club charm has mostly met with approval from collectors; it boasts a more intricate and interesting design than last year’s, while avoiding the clunkiness of the 2014 Club charm. Personally, I love it! For a more detailed preview of this charm, and for more information on the background behind it, please see my original preview here!
In many regions, it comes with a beautiful heart-shaped box (pictured below) and, in others, with a special card sleeve.
And in others, with nothing at all. Check with your local store to see how the Club charm is presented in your area. In the UK, we don’t get the box, and I’m quite a sucker for pretty packaging, so I will probably be sourcing my club charm from overseas!
Pandora Summer 2016 Release
I personally can’t wait to get away on holiday this year and looking at all the pretty summer blues in this collection is only making it worse! ;)
As usual, retailers have been uploading some beautiful live shots from the collection to social media – here are a selection of my favourites!
This great shot from Pandora Market Mall shows off all the new muranos from this year (excluding the Wild Hearts from Valentine’s Day); again, you can kind of see a faint hint of mint/green in the Frosty Mint murano, but not much!

The Oriental Blooms charms look particularly gorgeous to me; the red enamel on the Junk Boat is very striking, and the colour of the Red Shimmer murano is vibrant. The only one that doesn’t quite hit the mark for me is the Oriental Bloom itself, which doesn’t (to me) look as sophisticated as the others.
Stores don’t seem to be showing off the Flower Garden murano as much as I expected them to, but there are some beautiful shots of all the new cute fruit charms and the other summer pieces. Both summer leathers look absolutely lovely in these photos, especially the light blue one. :D
And – finally – look how cuuute the Lucky Elephant is! <3 <3

My Comment
I have a pretty healthy wish list from this collection, which is unusual for me, as summer brights don’t usually appeal to me so much. However, I’ve already purchased two Flower Garden muranos, and I’d also like the two new LE leather bracelets, the Club charm and the Lucky Elephant – maybe the new Kangaroo as well! The Pandora UK sale has sapped some of my funds unfortunately, so I’ll have to stagger my spending on new beads over the next couple of months. ;)
I’m not sure when I’ll be able to go and see all the new pieces in person yet; hopefully this weekend. I’m most interested in seeing the new Frosty Mint murano, the colour of which is something of a source of contention, and the new leather bracelets!
If you’re in the UK, the Pandora Summer collection is now available from authorised retailer John Greed, who are currently offering free delivery on Pandora.
What’s on your wish list from this collection? Have you been to see the beads in person yet?
Hi Ellie,
I have been waiting for this post & day. After work I’ll be picking up my charms & bracelet that I hand selected the other day. The shot of the flower murano with the gold charms is so elegant! I agree the actual Oriental bloom dangle charm was not as much of a standout, it seemed clunky for a bracelet but I might end up being in the minority on that one. The junk boat is really cool & in my opinion would balance nicely with the lantern charm. The Oriental fan has a lot of pave, so much so that I thought it over powered the design, so I didn’t go for that one, perhaps I’ll change my mind. I know from your previous posts that one was on your buy list, if you do get one I will be looking forward to your styling a of that charm, no
I didn’t realize the mint murano was mint! I noticed it and thought it looked more like ice. Iwas pressed for time, will check it out today. The staff favorite where ai shop was the baby elephant!
Can’t wait to see what you end up purchasing!
Lisa K.
Hi Lisa! Oh how exciting! So far I just have my two Flower Garden muranos, but I’ll also be getting the honeysuckle pink leather in the promo. :D
I do really like the Oriental Fan, but I’ll wait and see what I think of it in person before making any decisions! I’d rather get the Club charm if I had to choose between the two. Rest assured that I’ll be running reviews for all my purchases though, haha, and I’ve already started on the FG murano one!
The Frosty Mint murano is making me extremely curious! I’m not sure that I’ll be able to go this weekend to see everything, but I’d love to know what colour it is really, lol.
Sooo enjoying your posts.. When I went to pick up my promo bracelet & charms that were set aside for me I got a good look at the mint Murano. I ended up buying it! At first glance it looks clear from certain angles you can really pick up the light mint hue. What sold it for me was tthe way it seemed to take on a hue of whatever was placed next it to like my pink enamel charms or gold spacers. I think you could have a lot of fun styling this charm. It might even work in a Christmas design. The mint hue compliments the new flower garden charm. I’m sure that was well thought out by the Pandora design team.
I think it is an interesting fascetted murano.
Lisa K
Hi Lisa! Am increasingly loving the sound of this mint murano from everyone’s comments – and am very curious to see it for myself as I just don’t really know what colour to expect it to be at this point haha.
I want to potentially put two together with the Rapunzel muranos from the Disney collection and it sounds like they should be a match at least! :)
My birthday was yesterday and I was waiting for today to get the club charm and something else as a birthday present. I wanted to look at the Flower Murano in person because I wasn’t too sure about it but I love it!! I only got one and it’s taken center stage on the bracelet and I can’t stop looking at it. I usually take my bracelet off when I get home but haven’t taken it off yet so I can admire my new charms. I also managed to sneak in the cute little elephant, my new lucky charm. I got a great deal because I had 2 gift cards (cashed in with credit card reward points)and only ended up paying AUD $17 plus this shop gives you money back from your purchase for future purchases. Will definitely be going back there, they were lovely. Checked out the frosted Murano too and it did seem to be a clear shimmer but when put next to other bright colours it does seem to take on a bit of colour. Happy shopping to everybody!
Ooh a very happy belated birthday! :D Getting some Summer Pandora beads is a great way to celebrate it. I love the Flower Garden murano as well – I bought two, and I’ve been distracted at work periodically throughout the day just in looking at them haha.
I love the look of the lucky elephant as well! It’s on my wish list – and it’s not too expensive either. ^^ Might have to sneak in one for myself as well, even though I’m being good and waiting to get the Club charm as I spent so much in the UK sales!
Enjoy your new purchases! You picked some gorgeous ones :D
I got the strawberry leather bracelet as the other one is too light, icy blue . I got the club charm too with heart box but sadly the junk boat isn’t available in my region.
I am looking forward to seeing the light blue leather in person; it looks variously pale and quite deep in colour in the various photos I’ve seen! I would like it to be a little deeper.
The Junk Boat isn’t available here in the UK either, along with the Watermelon and Cherries, by the look of it. What a shame!
I agree Malia! I was so excited for the blue bracelet but was kind of disappointed after seeing it in person. The pink is lovely though!
I think you’re going to love the new frosty murano. It’s GORGEOUS!!! I wasn’t interested in it and seeing it in person I might have to get it!!!! It’s so beautiful. It’s radiant! I personally got some of the teal bubbles. Two. For a little mermaid bracelet I started. They remind me of a carribian beach or something because the color and the shape of the stones makes them look like water. I loved them! This whole collection is so lovely!
Yay I’m so happy to hear that :D It’s the one bead I’m most curious to see now, seeing as everyone seems to have a different opinion on what colour it actually is. Everyone seems to agree that it’s very pretty though, which is the good thing ;)
Absolutely, I was looking at all the teal beads when I was putting together my previews and just daydreaming about Caribbean holidays haha. Can’t wait to go on holiday this year – maybe I’ll get one of the teal beads as a souvenir! ^^
Hi Ellie
So finally I could view the new collection in person, I have been excited for weeks! Before I went I was torn between which leather bracelet to get first, but when I saw them both the blue one stood out more for me(even though I will get the pink one later)it is a lovely shade of blue, I have added the orchid that I got last year to it and it looks really lovely. I plan on getting the garden murano and the teal shimmer which in store looked so beautiful together. They also look great with my essence bracelet which has love, sensitivity(pink),freedom, friendship(pink) and dignity charms on it. I also saw the frosty murano, it was nice but not a stand out for me at the moment.
Thanks for your great reviews Ellie, I always look forward to reading them.
Hi Marie! Really glad to hear that you like the blue leather, that one is on my wish list too :D I have got the pink honeysuckle one in the US leather bracelet promo, but will definitely be coming back for the blue too. I’m looking forward to seeing it for myself! Interesting choice to put the Orchid on there, I bet that looks lovely and soft, but very fun and tropical as well! I will have to try that too. :)
Thanks for commenting Marie! <3 Enjoy your new pieces! xx
Hi Ellie!
Thank you so much for all your lovely reviews!
Somehow I turned out to be one of the few who wanted to buy the parrot. I got a bit disappointed finding no support in other readers’ opinion. So I went shopping with a mixed feeling. I needed the parrot for my tropical-themed bracelet. And luckily the parrot was quite to my liking- not huge but very detailed. The only thing I could really do without is the cz at the ring. I’ve already made the styling in teal and orange where the parrot is the centerpiece. Now I need a dress to match)))
I like the parrot too! White Stuff sell a pretty teal/green dress with pinks and parrots on.
Oh, thanks for a hint, Hazel!
I also like the parrot! It will match really nicely with the seahorse dangle which is my favourite charm on my summer bracelet.
The parrot is my favorite one! I designed a Jimmy Buffett themed bracelet with the clear sailboat and Palm tree! :)
Hi Mila! Oh I don’t think you’re alone in liking the parrot! I like it too. :) I love the enamel charms! Your teal and orange design sounds awesome, very tropical and very Pandora Summer 2014 ^^
I agree with you though in that I wish Pandora would stop slapping CZs on the bail of the dangle charms. It so detracts from the main design and it’s just unnecessary sparkle! The Junk Boat really doesn’t need it.
I haven’t seen any of it yet, but I know I am getting the pink leather bracelet, and I’m thinking I’m going to have do another transaction to get the light blue leather bracelet with the club charm! :-D
I’m also getting the pink honeysuckle bracelet :D My friend in the US has already picked one up for me, along with two Jasmine muranos! I’m so excited! The Club charm is a great way to get the blue leather; I want one, too, but am having to wait because of all my illicit Pandora UK sale spending haha.
Yay, I love the pink bracelet from the pics (I still haven’t gone to a store yet). What all did you get in the UK sale?
I got way too much in the UK sale, lol! I got Miss Hedgehog and the Piano in terms of silver charms, and then the Dragonflies, Saturn Flowers and Evening Floral for two-tone beads. Way too much money spent but at least I got some lovely older beads that I’ve wanted for a long time!
Great picks of charms! At least they were on sale ;-)
Thanks <3
Its interesting that the new bracelets are threadless!
Yes I hadn’t actually noticed that! I don’t like that at all for the leathers. It’s not like you’re going to be putting a lot of charms on a leather anyway and spending a lot of time threading them on and off – it’s more inconvenient to have them just fly off the bracelet when you open it. :(
I think they did that on purpose…. as this release is intended for the spacer clips… but I really am not keen on lots of blingy CZ clips :(
No, I’m not a big fan of the Shining Elegance clips either :(
I’m so excited to get to my store to check out the new collection. What’s even more exciting is that they are starting the leather bracelet promo early!! I am luckily off work tomorrow so I am planning my whole day around it, lol. I am definitely interested in picking up both the leathers as I think the colors are both beautiful. I plan on picking up the watermelon charm along with the oceanic starfish charm and maybe the parrot. Originally I was going to put the watermelon on the honeysuckle pink leather and the oceanic starfish on the light blue leather but I am loving the contrast of the colors in all the campaign images. I might reverse the charms and the bracelets for a little while to see how I like it. That’s the beauty of Pandora. If I decide I don’t like it I can always change them around. Can’t wait until tomorrow!! Once again, thanks for all the beautiful pics!!
Yay, hope you enjoyed seeing all the new pieces :D I have already put in my order for the leather bracelet promo through my lovely friend in the US – I went for the honeysuckle! I would have got both but I overspent in the UK promo. I’m sure the blue will find its way to me sooner or later though haha.
Yes I’m also thinking about contrasting colours with this new collection! I want to put some bright reds on the honeysuckle leather :) Reversing the colours entirely like you say will be even bolder and I’m sure it will be gorgeous! I saw a beautiful photo (I think by @pandorabradshaws on Instagram) with the watermelon on the pink leather though and it was so lovely! So maybe you should try both ^^
Glad you enjoyed the post! Hope you enjoy your new goodies :D
Thank you for the lovely images Ellie! I’m still not going to rushing to buy anything from the collection but I will add the sparkly muranos and parrot to my wishlist :)
You are welcome Hazel! I have already bought the two FG muranos and got the pink honeysuckle too in the US leather bracelet promo. Will also be wanting the blue leather, Lucky Elephant and the Club charm, but will hold off for a little while. The sparkly muranos are gorgeous – and the Frosty Mint is a maybe, depending on what I think of it in person!
The lucky elephant looks so cute, but I have no where for him in my collection.
I will go and have a look at the collection, as I always like to see all the new pieces, even when I’m not buying any of them.
Look forward to your reviews.
I adore him in that photo I posted above – he’s definitely coming home with me sooner or later. I’ve made a space for him on my travel bracelet :)
Let me know what you think when you do go! I haven’t had a chance so far and am not sure when I will be able to :( but it’s fun hearing from everyone else in the meantime!
I had a brief look at the summer collection in the window display. The elephant looks as cute in person. The honeysuckle pink bracelet is a lovely colour. The oriental pave fan was really nice, I liked the design and I love a bit of pave. That one might find it’s way into my collection at a later date.
Hope you get to see the collection soon.
Yay so glad to hear about the elephant! I must have that one :D Hopefully I will be seeing it soon. I am dying with curiosity about the Frosty Mint!
Hi Ellie just got back from my Pandora store. I was intending on buying the Flower murano and the Frosty Mint murano. I did love the Flower murano but I thought it could wait. The Frosty Mint was a bit of a disappointment. I saw no green,blue,pink nothing lol. It looked white with silver that’s it. I ended up with the watermelon slice and the Lucky Elephant. I also got the honeysuckle pink bracelet for free. Maybe I’ll go to another store to see their Frosty Mint lol. I’m happy with what I got. Do you have a picture of your double leather bracelets. I’m interested to see in what direction you place your charms. I hope that made sense lol. Thanks for the update. Looking forward to your next review ?
Hi Linda! Aw, I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t like the Frosty Mint murano as much as you hoped! I love white murano glass, so will be perfectly happen if it is just white with silver. It sounds pretty! I’m hoping that it might look nicer with the Rapunzel muranos. So I’m looking forward to seeing that one!
But on the other hand, yay, you picked two gorgeous charms! I’m after the Lucky Elephant myself. I haven’t got it yet but I’m sure I will sooner or later!
Which double leather bracelets? You mean the new ones? I don’t have either yet, but I have the honeysuckle one on its way to me from North America. If you mean the ones I already have (and I have a few lol), please let me know and I can always take one! <3
Yes I meant any of your double leather bracelets. Lol
Aha! I will try and get some into reviews going forward :) I think there are some just in older reviews as well and on my Pinterest!
*perfectly happy, that should be. ^^
Thank you for all your lovely photos Ellie. I was just on my way to the Pandora shop when you posted, so was able to make my mind up before I got to the shop! Having said that, there are so many lovely items in this collection. The new Pandora Rose items are really lovely, I will look forward to saving for those. I looked at the frosty murano and the one I was shown did have a green tint to it with hints of pink. I am starting a new blue themed bracelet as I do not have any blue charms. So I went for the blue rope bracelet and the Teal shimmer clip – that was very restrained of me! But there was so much I liked I decided to think about what I would like next rather than rush in to it. I also like to read what everyone else has bought as that gives me more styling ideas.
Hope you get to go soon and have a look in person.
Look forward to hearing more of your reviews.
Glad you enjoyed the post Karen! <3 I had forgotten that the new Pandora Rose items were out out today, I'l look forward to seeing those. I think my ideal Frosty Mint murano would be mostly white with a hint of pink, but I will have to wait and see what the stores near me have received!
beautiful start to your blue bracelet! I bought my first blue charms late last year and did my blue and pink Cinderella bracelet - there are some gorgeous blue charms out there, especially for summer. I also want to start a purely blue bracelet with the new blue leather - my parents brought me back the Evil Eye pendant from a holiday in Greece, and I'll put that on there to start it with.
Thanks for commenting! <3 Enjoy your new bracelet, it sounds lovely!
Thanka you, Love your blue and pink Cinderella, I have friends going to USA for the summer, so have given them my wish list of disney murano’s! lol.
The Evil Eye is a great start to your blue bracelet, like you say so many lovely blue charms to choose from.
Have you managed to look at the new charms yet? I love the daisy rose gold ring and the diamond pendant, my rose gold bracelet is full now though!
Thank you Karen! :D Aha, yes you should totally do that! Some relatives of my OH went to Disney world a couple of weeks ago and he had to stop me giving them a huge Pandora shopping list haha.
I haven’t seen the new charms yet unfortunately and won’t be able to until the weekend :'( but I will definitely put a little note in a post when I do to say what I thought of everything! My Pandora Rose bracelet is full too so I won’t be able to get any Rose even if I love the new pieces ^^
Hi Ellie I love both bracelet, the muranos and the red flower charm.
Hi Nicola! Good choices :) I have only got the Flower Garden murano so far but will come back for more soon I’m sure!
Hi Ellie I went into yesterday to see the collection I love the reddy/ pink leather I really want that one I didn’t see the other colour those.
Hi Nicola! Yay, glad you like the honeysuckle leather as I have one on its way to me in the post :) am excited to finally go and see the new collection next weekend!
I purchased my first Pandora bracelet today thanks to you and your tempting photos! I am going with a tropical theme and purchased the oceanic starfish charm along with two s clips on either side. Instead of getting a free leather bracelet, I decided to upgrade to a bangle. I can’t stop looking at my wrist. I plan on adding a few more charms at a later date. Thanks for being an enabler!
Aha, I’m glad to hear it! Welcome to the Pandora club ^^ Perfect start to your first bangle, the Oceanic Starfish looks beautiful in photos. I’m sure you’ll have more charms on there before you know it. :D
After getting the update in my email this morning from Pandora I started making my plan on driving the 2 hour distance to the nearest store. A few minutes later I received an email from Reeds who is an authorized Pandora seller and they were also offering the free leather bracelet with $100 purchase!! So my trip was only 30 minutes. They had just got the 2016 club charm in that morning and I didn’t mind waiting for them to load it into their inventory, lol. Seeing the Flower Garden murano in person made my purchase decision instant! It’s absolutely gorgeous and since I was buying other charms I ended up getting the honeysuckle leather bracelet for free and putting the murano on it. For those in the US just a quick heads up… REED’S offers layaway and the offer for the free leather bracelet runs from 6/2 – 6/19. You can put your items on layaway and as long as you pay it off by the 19th you will be able to get your free leather bracelets!! Lol I put some Essence items on layaway.
Ah sounds like a very successful shopping trip indeed! :D I love the look of the new Club charm and it’s adorable box, but am waiting to get it thanks to some irresponsible spending in the recent sales. I did, however, get two Flower Garden muranos and I am also in love! They are just spectacular. I’m doing the review over this weekend and it’s so much fun photographing them.
Enjoy your new beauties! You picked very similar to me :D
I originally was going to just get the honeysuckle pink bracelet, but after seeing the pale blue bracelet and all of the beautiful new charms, I caved and ended up with both bracelets (oops!). I got the Sweet Cherries, Flower Garden Murano, Teal Shining Elegance clip, and Oceanic Starfish. I thought all of the Shinmer Muranos were beautiful. The frosty mint one just had little specks of green, but I actually thought it would look lovely on a winter-themed bracelet. I probably will be back for all of them at some point! I also loved the red Oriental Bloom charm and the Shimmering Ocean ring. Like you, Ellie, I’m not usually too into the summer collections, big this one was stunning!
Aha, my plan is to get both bracelets too! I love both colours this year. Last year I just got the green, which is also lovely.
And wow what a haul! Lovely choices. While people don’t seem to agree on what colour the Frosty Mint actually is (perhaps it does vary), everyone seems to agree that it’s very lovely! So I am really excited to see that one for myself. I would like to put it in a wintry design with the Rapunzel muranos.
Thanks for sharing, it was great to read what you got! I’ve not been able to see the collection yet but it’s tiding me over reading everyone’s comments. I totally agree, it’s been a lovely Summer collection this year!
Yeah, I just got the green bracelet last year as well. I have to say, though, that I really prefer the look of this year’s leathers with their spherical clasps and smooth ends (although not too practical, haha). I was even thinking of parting ways with my green bracelet because I just have far too many leathers and it is the leather I wear the least….until I looked at the Instagram account you referenced above. I saw the watermelon and green pave charm on the honeysuckle pink bracelet, with that being worn together with the green leather. The combo is so gorgeous and summery! Thanks for sharing that Instagram account, Ellie, as she has some lovely bracelets!
By the way, I just saw that you updated the promotions page with the info on the earring promo. Thanks for that!
I like the spherical clasps, but not the smooth ends! I don’t want to have buy clips for my leathers haha. And no, don’t sell your green leather! The green leather is gorgeous. <3
And yes, @Pandorabradshaws have some amazing bracelets. I've only really properly been getting into Instagram lately but there's so much inspiration on there!
You're welcome! Came across the updated info quite recently - I suspected it would be the same format as the ring promo :)
Popped into the store this afternoon. Red is my favourite colour so the cherry openwork immediately caught my eye. Love it. Also, loved the starfish charm which I would wear on another bracelet. Had planned to buy the club charm but on seeing it in store, have decided its not a must have. This is quite a nice collection.
Loved the cherry bead too!! It looks like rubies!
It’s a shame, as we don’t seem to have received the Cherries charm in the UK! I don’t really know why, it’s not like we don’t eat cherries here haha. We didn’t get the Watermelon either. :( I wish they would get their act together and just release everything everywhere!
Glad to hear that you liked the starfish charm! That one looked gorgeous in photos. I’ll hopefully get to see it all for myself soon.
I actually really like the watermelon charm too but I have no need for it atm but if my London family member gets me the ice-cream come charm I may end up getting the watermelon as they would look good together on a summer bracelet. Shame your country did not receive the cherries or the watermelon as the colours on both are vibrant. Pandora certainly has a strange release policy for its worldwide releases.
Ah, that would be such a fun design if you put those two together! I hope you manage to get hold of the Ice Cream charm.
I know, it’s bizarre isn’t it? There always seems to be some region that has missed out on a couple of random charms! :S
Hello Ellie
I got my frosty mint today
It’s definitely not a mint , I can’t even describe the colour. I would say white if just glancing at it. Mine has allot of pink fleck in it and notice it’s bigger than my other muranos. It’s very different and I adore it.
Thanks for all your reviews and pictures, I love your blog. Keep up the great work :)
Hi Kate!
Yours sounds perfect – white with pink flecks would be just what I’d like! I want to put mine with the Rapunzel muranos, which are quite pink themselves, so that sounds ideal. I’m excited to go and see it myself!
And thank you, I’m so glad that you enjoy it :) Thanks for sharing as well!
Hi, fantastic review!! Love both leather bracelets, and I am a big fan of the new flowers murano. Do you know that you can upgrade to any bracelet during the leather promo? Like a silver bracelet for $10.00. Maybe they won’t have another promo later this year.
Hi Susana! Yes I did see that you can upgrade, which is great – I put it in my news round-up for this month :) they did offer that in some stores last year, so I expect they will still run another promo later this year – whether that gets changed to a free charm promo instead of a free bracelet promo will be interesting to see. :D
Having just said that to you, I’m now hearing that this is the last bracelet promo for North America this year! :S Maybe they’ll still do the free charm promo in September though. Hmm!
thanks ellie for telling us no bracelet promo in sept. that helps me to pick up a few more charms and upgrade. hopefully they will do the charm promo and be better organized than last year
You’re welcome Debbie! I hope they do a charm promo instead as well, I always look forward to the September promo :)
My shop told me this is the last free bracelet promotion.
I managed to get to the Pandora shop today, and I was very impressed! I didn’t buy anything straight away as I didn’t have much time but I managed to get a look. I loved the flower garden murano as I expected, but I also loved the teal and red shimmer muranos, especially the teal, it is a must have! I was pleasantly surprised by the starfish – I thought it might look washed out compared with the vibrancy of the other teal charms, but actually although it was a lighter blue green, it reminded me beautifully of a starfish in a rock pool, with the sun on the water. And when I put the teal murano by it, I thought it reflected the colour back rather than losing impact. Another must have for me! I also liked thd parrot but my absolute favourite was the little elephant, it has lovely details and such a cute expression! I like far too many of the summer collection this time, thank goodness I don’t want anything from the pre-Autumn previews!
I am very envious, I’ve not managed to go and see it all in person yet! Thanks for sharing your thoughts in the mean time <3 Glad to hear that you also loved the Flower Garden murano, that one is possibly my favourite bead that they've done so far this year! And yay, the elephant - I am definitely getting that one too. It looks even cuter in the live images than it did in the stock image!
Lol unfortunately I definitely want the bracelet from the Pre-Autumn previews so I can't say the same! But at least I don't want lots ^^ I still have some Spring beads that I want to catch up on too lol! I have fallen behind his year with all the amazing sales on older beads!
Hi Ellie,
Just wanted to tell you I visited my local Staten Island concept store today. First off, they don’t have the club charm and told me they aren’t sure they will be getting it. Very strange. Second strange thing: they got most of the summer beads but not the frosty mint murano. I’m wondering if pandora is happy with the way the bead turned out, considering the lack of mint color in most of the beads. Finally, and strangest of all, I asked to see the FG murano. I had bought it elsewhere but was still curious to see the variation in the bead. The one they showed me was horribly mangled. The flowers were all broken up around the inside of the bead, and it looked like a mess. The store was still selling them because they probably don’t know what they should really look like, but they looked awful. If I were the store owner I would have called the rep and asked for a new batch.
I feel like Pandora plays favorites with their stores. Mine certainly got the short end of the stick with this release!!
Hi Lisa! Wow, that is really weird about the Club charm. I have heard of delays to some stores in North America, but not that they won’t be getting it at all. I hope that doesn’t prove to be the case!
Ah, the good old production issues with murano glass! I imagine that it hasn’t turned out quite as hoped, seeing as they’ve gone to the trouble of calling it ‘Frosty Mint’ and it’s not really living up to that haha. But it sounds like it’s pretty nevertheless.
Wow, that doesn’t sound good with the Flower Garden murano either. I have two; in one the flowers are all very crisp, in the other they are less crisp and more of a cluster, but both are gorgeous in their own way. The one your store got does not sound good at all! But you can see in my review next week what I mean about mine :)
Definitely, that’s not good at all! I wouldn’t be surprised if they maybe prioritised some of the bigger stores over others when there are shortages of beads. :(
I went back to take a closer look at the mint murano and it did look a minty light green. So disappointed about the Chinese junk boat is not in my region. Might have to get it on my next trip to Singapore. All the teal coloured beads are beautiful, makes me wanna start a teal theme bracelet. But I shall stay focus and finish up my other project before starting on another one. I feel a sense of achievement for a completed bracelet. Anything half done just don’t feel right.
The Chinese Junk Boat isn’t available here in the UK either! :( We missed out on quite a bit of the collection for some reason, which is disappointing. There always seems to be some region that misses out!
I don’t like having lots of bracelets unfinished at the same time either, which can be expensive ;) At the moment, I have two real bracelets in progress and then two others that just need one or two charms to finish them off. That I can cope with! :P
If you need the junk boat from here let me know ;)
Thanks Suzy! I’ll bear that in mind ^^
Hello Ellie! I went for the special sale and I got the flower garden murano, the sweet cherries, the watermelon, the strawberry and the frosty mint murano, this last one is “very white” but I like it, and I received my leather bracelets, the champagne, the honeysuckle pink and the light blue, they are amazing. I’m in love with the starfish charm, but I’m going to wait for next time because I spend a lot, also I can’t find the club charm, in the store told me that maybe in a few days :(. Resume: I’m very happy with my purchase :)
Hi Priscilla! :D Wow, what an amazing haul! It seems like a few stores in North America haven’t received the Club charm yet, which is a bit puzzling! I hope it comes in for you soon. In the meantime, enjoy the amazing charms that you did get! I saw a photo of the Watermelon on the honeysuckle pink leather and it looked amazing :D
Just wanted to add a little about the frosted mint mural. I too looked it from the live pics but after many comments I thought I would drag myself over the county border to get to my Pandora shop to view. Glad I did. It’s beautiful and it does have a slight minty green hue to it….this maybe a reflection from the blue bracelet which I bought too. I have taken a couple of pics which shows this but I don’t seem to be able to post them. So take my word for it, it is beautiful. The shop had two on the bracelet which is stunning so may have to go back! Preferred the blue to the pink which us a a deep pink, not quite red but it’s getting the deeper end of the pink range.
Hi! :D You can’t post pics in the comment section on the blog unless you have a URL and know the correct code (which is a bit overly complicated). You can always instead email them to me and I can post them for you or you can share them to the Mora Pandora FB page (link in the side bar). :)
Your Frosty Mint murano sounds lovely though! I bet the blue in the bracelet brings out the colour nicely too. I have not been able to go and see it today but hopefully soon :) I am becoming very curious to see for myself what the colour is!
Thanks for sharing <3
Kerry’s pictures of the Frosty Mint murano:
I have to see this bead for myself! ^^
Hi Ellie,
I need some pro advice. I keep seeing this silver sunflower in summer release images:
is this one of the older charms? how is it called and where can i buy it?
found it
Hi Laura, glad to hear that you found it! If anyone else is wondering, it’s the Floral Brilliance from Spring 2014. It’s a beauty!
Well, it looks like 3 of the charms are going on my wishlist: Flower Garden, Starfish and Club 2016 charms! Not the biggest fan of Starfish’s price but still love it! Can’t wait to see it in person now!
and looks like I want the parrot now too! I wasn’t too impressed with it in the sneak peeks but once I saw other pictures of it and since I also have a pet parrot… Looks like it is going on my wishlist!
Yay! Great wish list :D Glad to hear some more love for the parrot as well, lol. I haven’t been to see the new pieces yet either, but I am so excited to go this weekend!
Morning Ellie :D
I went to see some of the collection yesterday and the pink bracelet was gorgeous! However, as I’m quite dark, the honeysuckle pink actually made me look even darker – so I didn’t buy it, but just admired it for a couple of minutes. The baby blue leather was another story! Such a fresh cool blue, an amazing colour :D What came home with me at the end was the flower garden murano and the mint murano :D (the bracelet price was a bit extortionate for a leather…)
The mint murano isn’t mint either – I chose one with aurora-like blue/purple/green shimmer. They only had the blue and pink shimmer tones left. I didn’t see any with a full on greenish/minty shimmer =(.
The rest of the charms were a bit too shiny for me… so I’ve been fairly good and just stuck to the glass charms for now hehe! :D
As usual another lovely post Ellie :D
Good evening Suzy! ^^
I have quite pale skin naturally, although I’m a fair bit darker at the moment than I usually am thanks to all the recent sunshine we’ve had here! So hopefully the honeysuckle leather will look nice on me – although the pale blue leather might not stand out as much! I often just get Pandora because I like it though haha and not so much for the style aspect of it. I’m quite particular about my clothes but not so much my Pandora ^^
Yay, you got the two muranos! Intriguing again to hear your comments on the murano, I don’t think I’ve heard anyone mention a blue shimmer. The mystery deepens ;) I think I will have to get one myself and see… it’s the only way! :P
Thanks for commenting Suzy! Enjoy your new pretties!
Hi Ellie! I pre-ordered my charms yesterday at a local jeweler. I was told that I have to wait until Thursday to pick up my goodies! I was under the impression that the free leather promo date had been moved up. Oh well…I chose a flower garden Murano (mine is more pink than red) and the oceanic starfish. I decided to go with the light blue bracelet this time. However, I am so tempted to go back and get the pink one as well! But, I think that I should hold off because I’m going to Disney World next week and I KNOW that I will probably buy Pandora while I am there! :O
Hi Carol! Yes, the leather bracelet promo date has been moved up.. but there’s been a fair amount of confusion, so maybe your store haven’t got it quite straight. My US friend has already got and posted my US leather bracelet promos – I went for the pink honeysuckle bracelet :D it looks amazing in photos!
I am also getting the blue leather that you picked, but via other means :) it would look great with the Oceanic Starfish that you picked too! You picked some lovely pieces. My Flower Garden muranos are also way more pink than red, kind of deep fuchsia. I absolutely love them!
Haha, you should definitely buy Pandora while at Disney World! ^^
I only bought the club charm, it came in a lovely heart shaped with leatherlike box! I live in the Netherlands, we have a Pandora sale here at the moment. I bought the 2 tone eifeltower, the dove of peace and the floral heart shaped locket 30% discount!