*UPDATE* 07/02/2014: More live shots added! Pandora have offered fashion bloggers in Vienna an exclusive chance to preview the new Spring and Mother’s Day 2014 collections. Thanks to very kind permission from bloggers ChilexionsChamy and Vickyliebtdich, we have some beautiful images from the event!

The Spring and Mother’s Day collection draws on traditional spring motifs, with pretty pastel hues, butterflies and flowers characterising the charms. To see stock images of the charms arriving for Spring and Mother’s Day 2014, see here for Spring and here for Mother’s Day!

Click on all the images to enlarge them.

First off, we have some pretty designs using the new Darling Daisy clip – it’s very similar to the pink Cherry Blossom clip, but it features white enamel.

Image by chilexions
Image by chilexions

Thanks to blogger Vickyliebtdich, we have some great close-up shots of the clip on the triple wrap silver leather bracelet.

pandora mothers day 2014
Image by Vickyliebtdich

The clip has a pretty accompanying ring and earrings:

pandora spring 2014
Image by Chamy
Image by Chamy
Image by Chamy

The Spring collection features a new pink version of the cord bracelets, and some pretty light pink/lilac versions of the Pavé Lights and Hearts series.

Image by Chamy
Image by Chamy

In the Mother’s Day collection, we have two of my personal favourite pieces – the Rose Garden clip and charm. I already have a pink-themed bracelet, but I especially love the clip. Also visible is the new ‘Loving Aunt’ pendant.

Image by Chamy
Image by Chamy

In this image, one of the new Butterfly muranos acts as a beautiful focal point. We can also see the new Roses openwork charm, which is a pretty offering for the Spring season.

Image by chamy
Image by Chamy

Butterflies are big for the Pandora Spring Paradise collection, with a new pavé butterfly charm also being released. We can also see two of the new multi-coloured Pavé Lights charms debuting for Spring – they feature a mixture of pinks and purples, matching the central colour scheme of the collection.

pandora mothers day 2014
Image by Vickyliebtdich

Next, there are two lovely images of the new Spring alphabet pendants debuting for Spring 2014. These are decorated with cubic zirconia, and represent an improvement, IMO, on the current Pandora initial series – they’re quite large, but they’re very pretty.

Image by chilexions
Image by chilexions

The Pandora advertising accompanying the pendants links them to the new symbols coming out for Summer 2014 – they are clearly conceptualised as being part of the same range.

Image by chilexions
Image by chilexions

From the Mother’s Day collection 2014, we have some pretty images of the new Vintage Hearts charms and, from Spring, the new Floral Brilliance. The openworks two tone version is reportedly a limited edition charm, akin to the Bear My Heart charm from 2013. These represent some of my favourite charms from the new collection, and the two tone versions look stunning here.

Image by chilexions
Image by chilexions

You can see the charms a bit more clearly in this beautiful picture from Vickyliebtdich.

pandora spring 2014
Image by Vickyliebtdich

The next couple of images show some of the jewellery accompanying the Spring and Mother’s Day collections.

Image by chilexions
Image by chilexions

My favourite jewellery pieces include the following Sparkling Bow Ring, which is just adorable:

Image by Chamy
Image by Chamy

And this pretty two-tone heart ring:

Image by Chamy
Image by Chamy

More of the pretty bow collection can be seen in this shot – this collection has been a favourite with many of the bloggers:

pandora mother's day 2014
Image by Vicklyliebtdich

Here, we have a long shot of a number of the new pieces. You can make out, amongst other pieces, the new pink enamel Abundance of Love charm, the new Steady Heart clip on a cord bracelet, and what looks to be the new Sweet Mother charm in the bracelet on the top right.

pandora mother's day 2014
Image by Vickyliebtdich

The new pieces accompanying the existing Oopsie Daisy charm look stunning in the following live images:

Image by Chamy
Image by Chamy
Image by Chamy
Image by Chamy

The new Her Majesty’s Ring looks delicate and pretty here, showcasing how well the design translates from charm to ring:

Image by Chamy
Image by Chamy

The new Butterfly pendant can be seen on this necklace charm.

Image by chilexions
Image by chilexions

It also has an accompanying ring and set of earrings:

Image by Chamy
Image by Chamy
Image by Chamy
Image by Chamy

The new Butterfly murano drops are featured in the following bracelet, alongside the new colours of the Her Majesty spacers. The murano drops are definitely growing on me – I find I like the base of the charm to be more substantial and not quite so thin, however.

pandora mother's day 2014
Image by Vickyliebtdich

Subsequently, we can see shots of the extremely glamorous new Shimmering Lace collection. The necklace pendant is a beautiful statement piece.

Image by chilexions
Image by chilexions

You can see the necklace more closely in the following image, which also gives a good look at the new Cosmic clips debuting for Mother’s Day 2014.

pandora mother's day cosmic clips 2014
Image by Vickyliebtdich

Finally, we have a shot of the new Shimmering Lace charm, and its accompanying ring.

Image by chilexions
Image by chilexions

My Comment

Wouldn’t it be amazing to go to one of these events? I’m extremely jealous. The jewellery looks, in my opinion, much prettier than in the stock images – I’d be curious to know how the Summer 2013 collection looks in person, seeing as it has had such ambivalent reviews from Pandora collectors.

Tomorrow I’m publishing a round-up of news for February 2014, including collection dates and more live images of the new collections – keep ’em peeled!

Did anything catch your eye? What are you most looking forward to for Spring? :)

11 Comments on Live Shots of the Pandora Spring & Mother’s Day 2014 Collections

  1. I’m so looking forward to the new letters! The other ones were so plain and unattractive to me. :-/
    Can’t wait!!♥

  2. Hi! I have a question about the letter pendants. In one picture of a display there is a board showing more than just letters. I even see a cross pendant there. Am I right? On another picture I only saw letters and the “&” sign.
    The sad initials Pandora has had for years are over. Even the two tones I have are not very attractive. Looking forward to personalizing my bracelet with these and of course, using one as a pendant.
    Also, I am right there with you on the pink enamel rose clips. I love the rose charms, too. The open work rose charm is nice but I’m not seeing roses there. Maybe in person?
    Thanks again for a fabulous blog!

    • Hi Meg, you are indeed right – those other pendants are from the Summer 2014 collection. They represent various values such as love, peace and friendship etc. Hope that helps! You can see them in my preview here: http://morapandorablog.com/2014/01/28/preview-pandora-summer-2014-collection/
      I much prefer these to the current initials! I think that they’re a lot more fun and pretty, and being able to use them as a necklace pendant is good too.
      The pink enamel roses are beautiful – but my pink bracelet is already full… I’m not sure whether to just go for it and start another one so I can use them ;) I’m not sure about the Roses openwork either – it seems more like a regular flower than a rose as such!
      Thanks for commenting!

  3. I have a cherry blossom and pink pave bracelet. I have the cherry blossom pendant hanging. I’ve been looking to add additional hanging charms. I think I am liking the butterfly charm. I cannot tell if there are cz’s on the charm do you know if the butterfly charm has cz’s?
    I am loving the pave butterfly also! I am very excited to see this collection in person! I am a new Pandora addict started in December 2013 working to fill my 3rd bracelet. My first 2 are 7.1 (easy to fill) the third is a bangle (7.5) yay! I’m so excited!!

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