Now that we’ve had the chance to see a good deal of the upcoming Spring and Summer collections, I thought I’d share some of the designs that I’d love Pandora to produce, with a bit of inspiration from other brands. Please feel free to share your own, I always love to hear other people’s ideas for designs.
My favourite designs are the vintage quirky ones and the more romantic, fairy tale ones. I adored the Best of British series, and cutesy charms such as the Mittens dangle. I’m also a big fan of cute animals, I’m afraid to say. Consequently, it’s no surprise that my first request is for…
An otter!
I love the Ohm Beads Otter. He’s just too cute. I know that Pandora are known for their cute animals, and that they’ve got plenty – but they’re popular for a reason! ;)
Dog Breeds
More dog breeds! This is a very popular request, and I’d love a pretty spaniel charm myself to represent my own darlings – Josh and puppy Ruby. Josh is 14 years old and creaking his way through life, whereas Rubes is 4 months old and never, ever stops! She adores him, and he just wants to be as far away from her as possible. ;)

Ohm Beads currently offer a range of dog breeds, and it would be nice to see a few more popular breeds offered from Pandora.
I’d love a typewriter charm. Writers and readers are under-represented in Pandora’s collections, and, as both, a typewriter charm would be perfect for me. I think this would have enough of that vintage, quirky feel to appeal to a range of people, too. This typewriter by Ohm Beads is lovely, although I think I’d like a less curvy version.
I know we also have the Fairy Tale Book charm to represent readers, but I’d like to see just a plain book charm, something like the new Trollbeads one:
Also, a sewing bead. I see this requested all the time, and I think a little cotton reel or sewing machine charm would be gorgeous. There was the thimble charm, of course, but that’s been long retired. My boyfriend’s mother is an amazing seamstress and collects Pandora, so a sewing charm would be perfect.
It may be a pipe dream, I know. But rumours keep trickling on the Pandora grape vine that the brand is trying for its own contract with Disney. I’d love an Eeyore charm, something like this Chamilia one.
Going back to Ruby again, she has this way of sitting that is EXACTLY like Eeyore, like she doesn’t know what to do with her back legs. Eeyore would be perfect to represent her!
While Pandora have undoubtedly improved in terms of their murano glass, I still think that many of their beads lack the subtlety and creativity of those of other brands. If you look at Trollbeads murano glass, they feature a dazzling array of colours and textures – Pandora definitely has some way to go before it matches the imagination of some of these beautiful beads:

Also, I’d like to see some pink murano glass beads from Pandora that are actually pink. Many of them, when you see them in person, are more of a peachy shade, which is pretty in itself, but not pink. This includes the recent Pink Fizzle charm.

More safety chains!
The current designs available are all gorgeous. However, there simply aren’t enough of them. There are only two of the clip-on versions, and very limited two tone options. I was really hoping for one to debut with the Spring collection, but unfortunately not.
Just kidding. We have lots of those.
Which charms do you wish Pandora would make? Do you have any hobbies or interests that you’d like a charm for? Or maybe you’re a gold lover who’s feeling a little neglected? Let me know! :)
I would love sun clips! A cousin charm just no dangle.. Flip flop with no stone.. More two tones… :) Disney charms would be a huge bonus..
Those are great ideas – I’d love more two tone charms for sure! I keep hearing rumours about Disney and Pandora… keeping my fingers crossed that it comes to something :)
Pandora is sorely lacking in the faith department. Let’s be honest, the Bible charm is meh. Their Star of David is OK but some Hanukkah muranos would be great, a menorah, a dreidel, etc. A bigger two tone cross for Christians, a dove, a lamb. A candle charm would be nice for everyone. Some more muranos illustrating heritage such as the flags of countries, too.
Ooh, I love the idea of a candle – as you say, that would be perfect for representing a multitude of faiths. I also think muranos with flags would be a lot more popular than the map charms that are due out this year!
Safety chains are a must! Nothing new for AGES!
I know! I don’t know why they don’t release more of them tbh.
Im really hoping for a vegas sign (I kno the dice is there but that could be for anything not specifically vegas) love the dog breed idea too.
More travel related the better. I have a bracelet dedicated to my travels and enjoy hunting down a pandora shop to add to my collections on holiday.
There is sort of a Las Vegas sign charm – it’s the Unforgettable Moments dangle, with the Vegas logo engraved on the back. It’s exclusive to Vegas. You can see it here:
The travel charms are very fun! I sometimes think it would be great if each country or region had a charm that was exclusive to them – although I know that that would annoy a lot of the hardcore collectors. ;)
I have two big and sometimes expencive Hobbies – one is traveling and I think it will be great if I can get a charm in/ for each country or Region.
But it seems that Pandora is not interested. So I help myself and buy the charms of other brands (OHM for example has the lion of Singapore and has really a lot of Symbols and even the hole cuntries like India, South- and Northamerica, and the most of the european countries.
Oh wow…how did I not about this lol
I shall be hunting this down while in Vegas this Sep ?. Thank you
Haha, you’re welcome!
I would love to see a French horn! I’ve seen non pandora French horn charms and they are so cute and detailed. Also, an umbrella!
I just looked up the French horn charms, and you’re right, they’re so cute! I’d love to see some more charms that have a more unusual, quirky feel. Both of those would be great to symbolise the TV show How I Met Your Mother actually (which just ended), if you ever watched that!
I think it would be so cute if Pandora made a charm to represent each state in the U.S. I’m from Texas and I would love a Texas charm. We are called the Lone Star State so it would be so cute to have a charm in the Shape of Texas with a gold star in the middle or maybe a cowboy boot. :-)
I would also love a fortune cookie charm. Me and my be love Chinese food and we always read each others fortunes.
I do agree with you about the pink mutanos. To me they look yellowish.
Well, Pandora are doing more US-exclusive ranges, such as the MLB range and the upcoming NFL charms. :) Maybe they’ll do states eventually!
I’d love a fortune cookie charm, too! Hopefully Pandora are listening… ;)
I totally agree about the typewriter. My mother wanted to buy me one when I finished my novel, but found that Pandora didn’t make it. I hope they will by the time it publishes. I also love the books and the otter!
Wow, congratulations on your novel! I’ve always wanted to write one, but I’ve somehow never got around to actually finishing something. :) A typewriter would be a great charm to commemorate that!
More safety chains. Sea glass in the UK? And a steam train charm as both my boys loved trains when they were small!
All great ideas! I don’t know why the Sea Glass never made it out of the US, as they’re so pretty in person. I also can’t stress my need for more safety chains enough – I have all the screw-on designs now and I’m not as keen on the clip versions. I guess it’s my fault for having so many bracelets but I think more choice would be good anyway haha.
I’m starting to build a Water themed bracelet and although the teal and turquoise muranos, and the new summer 2014 teal murano and pave lights are lovely, the multi coloured sea glass beats them hands down! We can live in hope!
Aw, the multi-coloured sea glass would be perfect for that! I hope that it gets released here some day for you. Muranos are difficult to obtain from abroad, too, as they vary so much that you mostly want to pick them out yourself. :/
However, the teal faceted murano that came out last year is gorgeous too – maybe that could work?
I will probably include teal muranos once I have the basic story. In the mean time I’m watching eBay for sea glass but like you say, it would be better to buy it in person. I won’t even get the first pieces until my birthday and I expect to be working on it until next summer so there’s no rush :)
Great post, I would LOVE a sewing machine charm – i will keep saving one ‘space’ on my bracelet until it comes out – I hope it will be a bead and not a dangle charm. The typewriter charm would be fab as well because I have an antique typewriter.
I would also like a backpacking backpack charm and camper van (VW combi) charm for us adventurers.
I’ld also like to see a smaller sized glass beads. I really like the glass beads but don’t like how they are larger than the silver beads. The size difference makes the bracelet look unbalanced to me – but that could a slight case of OCD ;)
I’ld also like to see a better designed collection of the letter beads because i think they are quite ugly
The silver alphabet charms? They did release a new series of cubic zirconia letter pendants in spring this year, have you seen those?
Thanks! :D I’ll probably do an updated version of this post in the new year, too. I’m still amazed that they haven’t come out with a sewing bead. The typewriter is probably my most-wished-for, although I could understand it might be a bit of a niche design. A camper van would be really cute! :D They should bring one out for summer – it would be a great holiday charm.
Haha, I absolutely love the murano glass, and I use them in almost every design – but nevertheless I think having more sizes is a fab idea! It could be great for adding texture, and also for just having some glass available at a lower price point.
New reader here, commenting late on this, but I second several of these, especially a charm for writers/readers. A typewriter would be great, or a pencil, or a quill and ink. A stack of plain books is also something I’d like. I would also like a US states series- they would be so cute as dangles, maybe with little gold stars or hearts where the capitals are. I would also like to see a much wider expansion of their hobbies charms- I’d love something for yoga, hiking, and knitting.
Hi Danielle! I love the idea of a quill and ink, that would be really lovely! The typewriter is my most-wished for, though. <3 They do seem to be expanding their hobbies range in general at the moment, and it would be great to see something for sewing or knitting!
The US states series is very popularly requested, and they do now have a range of engraved travel charms for North America, which represent popular destinations. Not as pretty as your ideas, but it's something!
I think they need to come up with more safety chains too, Ellie. The variety they offer right now is really small especially if we think about details like the price range, if the chains have clips or not, the precious metal used, etc. (for example, someone who wants a safety chain with clips only has two to choose from).
As someone who loves going to the cinema and watch movies I would LOVE if Pandora would create and release a movie/cinema themed charm. There’s some ideas that could work like a professional video camera or a dangle with cinema tickets but because I also love popcorns it would be really cool if they released a popcorn bag charm! I have seen one from another brand and it’s so cute (copy + paste this link to see the image And with Pandora’s more delicate design style I believe it could look even better! It could also be a good idea to do a two tone version with the popcorns at the top of the bag being in gold! :D The only thing I wouldn’t like it’s if they released it as a dangle. :S I know it may sound a bit of a chessy charm but I would really love one like this.
Also thinking about more simple designs I would love if they released a red petite facet (I think they eventually will) and a red faceted glass drop dangle (this one will be harder tho because there’s basically only 4 designs available and I believe two of them are even getting discontinued, right?).
So basically these are the charms I would like Pandora to create… But there’s a lot of stuff I would like them to release – not for me, but for other people like a videogame remote controller, a laptop, a smartphone of some kind, more dog breeds and, in general, more charms that would symbolize people’s hobbies, interests and occupations (there are plenty of these but the more they release the more tastes they cover). Even if those last charms I cited don’t mean anything to me cause I’m not a videogamer fan, I’m definitely not a cellphone craze and I don’t have any dogs I’m sure there’s plenty of people who would appreciate them (plus I like to see Pandora creating lots of stuff even if the charms have nothing to do with me – I just love to see all the beautiful charms they create).
You are absolutely spot-on regarding the safety chains! There are very limited options for each price bracket and the designs are really very generic – hearts, flowers, and not much else. It’s nice that they’re releasing a couple of safety chains for the Disney collection, but I’d love to see more for the regular range – and one for the Essence collection, too!
Omg, I love the idea of that popcorn charm! That would be so adorable, not cheesy at all. It would be great if they did something of a vintage cinema collection, with an old-school projector too. It would go really nicely with the Disney charms I think, especially the Mickey & Minnie ones. :D The cinema tickets are a nice idea too.
More dog breeds are something I’d personally love – I need a spaniel to represent my babies! I imagine that they will keep making more, as they seem to sell well. <3 I'm not a gamer either but my OH is – I love this charm by Ohm:
They should do more quirky charms like this – hearts and flowers sell well, but it would be nice to see them venture from the beaten track sometimes.
Thank you for your comment, it was a great read – you have some fab ideas! <3 I'd love to see so many of these made.
OMG that video game charm is so cute!
Yeah flowers and hearts are cute and good for those who like to do just purely fashion bracelets but I kinda get sick of them when I see them being released again and again in each collection. At least they should try different flowers other than roses, primroses and daisys… Hibiscus would be a great idea! And the Valentine’s collection is basically always the same… I know there isn’t much to do when the theme is love but at least they should stop with the pink for Valentine’s day and do other love related colors like red…
Yeah I love quircky charms too and there’s so many possibilities they can create!!! The other day It came to my mind that a lot of people would possibily love a TV charm! And what about more fruit related charms? I would like a peach hahahah
Hi!!!…in one of the next collection I would like to see more sea’s pendants like coloured fishes and maybe a turtle ;)
And for Disney collection I would like to see Snow white’s dwarves and something more about my favourite fairytale…PETER PAN!!!<3<3<3<3<3<3
Bye Bye;););)
As long as Pandora is going the route of changing up their bracelet designs; i.e. the heart-shaped clasp, I would love to see a bangle with a darling daisy clasp. Or any kind of daisy clasp. It has to be a 5 petal flower because that’s what I like!!
And I would like to see more dangling flower earrings.
(You know me, Ellie. I don’t do charms! LOL!)
Ooh that’s such a cute idea! The Darling Daisies and the Cherry Blossom pieces are my favourite Pandora floral collections so I’d love to see a bracelet for either of those two sets. It would be so pretty! <3 I hope Pandora do continue to experiment with the bangle clasps as they all look so nice worn together. :D
Lol! Maybe one day the charms will win you over, Sue! :P
Hi! I Work in french trains and my friends and I would like charms trains ;)
It’s a request I’ve heard a lot! It would be nice to see them make one; it would definitely fit in nicely with their existing travel range :)
I’d like to. See the Canadian Flag
Yes that is a popular request!
Definitely the sewing charms you mentioned in your initial post, this would be extremely popular here in the UK
I completely agree! I’m surprised that they haven’t done one yet tbh I saw these online! That would be super cute if pandora made something like this instead of their birthstone charms now.
A sun and moon dangle would be super cute or a plane dangle. I really want a pyramid, I have charms representing all my trips except the one too Egypt, and I don’t like the camel very much.
Hmm, those are cute – there are new birthstone charms coming out for Autumn but they are hearts instead!
Pyramids would be amazing! I do love the Pandora camel though haha. It would be so much fun if we got more charms to represent countries around the world. We do have the National Icon pendant series but I would love to see a greater range of cultures and countries represented :) Some other brands are much better for that sort of thing!
I’m so love tangled of disney,so maybe can try to disign something bout it,like pan,tower or flying lanterns…. i can wait to see it !!!! ((P.s always imaging and drawing myself…please!!! ><.))
I’d love the tower from Tangled! That would be so cute <3 Wonderful ideas!
I would love to see an ohm charm
That would be very nice!
I would love to see some superhero charms, maybe some marvel charms because they are owned by Disney
That would be great! :D I’d love to see some more original and less girly concepts from Pandora.
I was wondering would pandora be doing the baby loss butterfly with ribbon?
No, I have not heard of any plans to produce one, sorry. It would be a lovely sentiment, for sure. The only cause they officially do is the breast cancer awareness ribbon.
I would love to see and have a breastfeeding charm. It is one thing i am so proud of as a mom.
You should definitely be proud! :) Lovely idea.
I’d love to see a typewriter charm. I’ve used one my whole life and it’s a massive part of my life story.
I’d also like to see a knitting charm. Surely lots of people would get that.
I have cherished the ambition to have a Wonder Woman tiara charm since I first saw the My Princess tiara charm. I know that the likelihood is next to nil, being that Disney owns Marvel (not DC) so I’ve pretty much set the course that I’ll have to have a custom one made.
I’d love to see a sugar skull design for Halloween/Day of the Dead. Is there anyway to suggest designs to Pandora?
Hello. I love dogs, so I would like a charm of a german sheperd and old english sheepdog. :)
I would love to see:
An umbrella. I imagine it would work best as a dangle.
SCIENCE charms. An Erlenmeyer flask would make an awesome bead, and I’d have it in a heartbeat.
Im creating a mystical forest bracelet:) my fiancé got me my first Pandora bracelet this February and I’ve been addicted ever since. I would like to see more leaf/ nature charms. I’d also like to see more of a variety of animals. This page is great, I have enjoyed reading your posts.
I would like to see a cat charm that tangles. You already have the dog charm, that does that.
I wanted a Spider charm…do Pandora have one? I love to read and I just finished Charlotte’s Web book.
I am creating my very first pandora bracelet and is is Disneyland themed! I am absolutely hooked! I already have all my charms I want planned out, and then I have an Alice in Wonderland inspired, tea party themed bracelet I’ll start on next!
As far as Disney, I’d love to see a Jiminy Cricket or When you wish upon a Star charm, as well as a park exclusive “Happiest Place On Earth” charm. For non-Disney, I’d like to see a nice looking sun charm (no face) and a piano charm. I know there is the music charm and it’s on my list, but I’d like an actual piano or piano key charm. Back to Disney, I hear the Fall line for 2018 is Pixar based. I’m assuming that mean Toy Story. But hoping “Tangled” is featured too, and I would have to have a little Pascal if they had it! I’m obsessed!!!