Today’s post is just a fun, personal one: a little reveal of the Pandora goodies I received for my birthday (which was this Monday). I got a number of Pandora pieces, and a couple more layers for my Stackers jewellery box. Read on for pics and details!
First up, is this little owl charm from my parents. He was a complete surprise – which I actually kind of prefer when receiving gifts. I like it when people go and choose me a gift instead themselves of just getting what I’ve asked for. If that makes sense ;)

I named him Alfred ;). I love owls, and have lots of little cutesy owl stuff dotted around my place – I also got owl socks and an owl scarf for my birthday!

My mother also got me the final purple murano that I wanted for my oxidised bracelet! I’m thrilled with this one – it’s such a lovely, rich shade of purple. My favourite of the faceted muranos.

My boyfriend was sneaky and did the leather bracelet promotion that we had in the UK back at the end of August. He bought me the two-tone safety chain, which has been on my wishlist for a long, long time!

He got me the silver triple wrap leather bracelet to go with it. I’ve been wanting that for a long time as well! It’s very chic, but in a pretty, casual way.

Finally, you might remember my previous post on Stackers jewellery boxes, and that I had a hunch that I might have a couple more layers coming my way ;) Well, that suspicion proved correct! Here’s a shot of my two new Stackers layers.
I’ve used this Stackers tray to store my earrings and a couple of necklaces. It could also be useful for charm storage, however!
This is the deepest Stackers compartment – ideal for storing accessories, or items such as jewellery pouches.
So, that’s my birthday round-up. I had a lovely day, and the Pandora was just the icing on the cake ;)